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New scalable Time Series classification developed in Python.

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Proximity Forest (Using only DTW measure)

An effective and scalable distance-based classifier for time series classification. This repostitory contains the source code for the time series classification algorithm Proximity Forest, published in the paper []

Check out the original project developed in Java:

Proximity Forests in Python using dtai DTW distance measure

This is the Proximity Forest algorithm implemented to classify Time Series.


  • You can only run this project if you have a UNIX-based OS (Linux or OSX)
  • You must have python3.7
  • Give full permission to your project directory and files
  • We recommend you locate your project in your $HOME directory.

Packages to Install Previously:

  • pip install dtaidistance or pip3 install dtaidistance
  • pip install -v --force-reinstall --no-deps --no-binary dtaidistance dtaidistance
  • pip install scipy or pip3 install scipy

How to run a simple execution:

  • Download the project

  • Give full permissions to your project

  • Go to the directory launchers

  • Execute the following command:

    • sh [DATASET_NAME], where [DATASET_NAME] is the name of the dataset you have stored in the project. The Names available are:
      • ItalyPowerDemand
      • MoteStrain
      • Plane
      • GesturePebbleZ2
  • Try this example: - sh ItalyPowerDemand

Parameters of python execution:

  • Run the sh file application/ setting the following parameters:
  • name: The name of the experiment
  • -train: The training dataset path. It must have a .ts or .arff extension.
  • -test: The testing dataset path. It must have a .ts or .arff extension.
  • The training and testing datasets can be found in the folder datasets/
  • -repeat: Number of repeats of the experiment
  • -trees: Number of trees of the PForest
  • -candidates: Number of candidates per tree
  • -targetlast: It indicates if the last column of the dataset is the class of the serie.
    • P.e. if the line is 0.32, 0.45, ..., -0.12, X_AXIS, setting -targetlast=True means the X_AXIS is the series class and it's located in the last column

Comparison with Sktime.ProximityForest

sktime is a Python machine learning toolbox for time series with a unified interface for multiple learning tasks. You can find the package through this URL:

If you want to compare this Proximity Forest Project to the sktime project:

  • Run the sh file launchers/, which can be found in the launchers directory, setting the following arguments:
    • name: The name of the dataset. The Names available are:
      • ItalyPowerDemand
      • MoteStrain
      • Plane
      • GesturePebbleZ2
      • Chinatown
      • ERing
      • FacesUCR
      • FreezerRegularTrain
      • SmoothSubspace
      • ElectricDevices
    • trees: The number of trees for the algorithm
    • candidates: Number of candidates per split
  • Example: sh Plane 20 3

Installing Package

You can install the package using the command:

pip install Pforests-dtw

Nevertheless, you must have installed the following packages:

  • numpy
  • dtaidistance
  • pytest
  • scipy


from trees import ProximityForest
from core import FileReader
import random
train_dataset = FileReader.FileReader.load_arff_data("/Users/moradisten/Projects/PForests/datasets/Plane/Plane_TRAIN.arff")
test_dataset = FileReader.FileReader.load_arff_data("/Users/moradisten/Projects/PForests/datasets/Plane/Plane_TEST.arff")
Pforest = ProximityForest.ProximityForest(1, n_trees=100, n_candidates=5)
results = Pforest.test(test_dataset)

Data Structure: ListDataset

Normally, in Data Science, we are used to handle datasets with Pandas. But for these case, as researchers did, a data structure has been developed, which is the ListDataset. This data structure contains:

  • series_data: Contains a list of the time series (X).
  • classes: Contains a list of the labels (y).
  • class_counter: Dictionary which contains the count of each label -> <label, label count>
  • series_map: Map which indicates the number of series per label -> <label, nº series>

File Format

This project reads csv and arff files.

My Bachelor Thesis

If you speak Spanish, I invite you to read my bachelor's thesis about this matter


New scalable Time Series classification developed in Python.







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