This is a wrapper around Microsoft msdeploy that can be used in npm scripts.
Web Deploy (msdeploy) simplifies deployment of Web applications and Web sites to IIS servers.
To use this npm module you are required to have msdeploy installed on your machine. You can install it from here
This module is only available for windows
npm install msdeploy --save
Examples to deploy to azure:
msdeploy --verb sync --allowUntrusted true --source --dest auto,ComputerName={{ComputerName}},UserName={{UserName}},Password={{Password}},AuthType=Basic,includeAcls=False"
Note: Replace {{ComputerName}}, {{UserName}}, {{Password}} with appropriate values.
The following example can be used within package.json file. The values in config can be set manually or set via CLI or deployment script.
"scripts": {
"deploy": "msdeploy --verb sync --allowUntrusted true --source --dest %npm_package_config_dest%,ComputerName=%npm_package_config_ComputerName%,UserName=%npm_package_config_UserName%,Password=%npm_package_config_Password%,AuthType=Basic,includeAcls=False"
"config": {
"ComputerName": "",
"UserName": "",
"Password": "",
"dest": "auto"
To set config values the following command can be used via CLI or deployment script.
npm run deploy --NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE:ComputerName="Computer name" --NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE:Username="UserName" --NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE:Password="Password"
NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE should be replaced with the name specified in package.json
You can use any msdeploy parameters. View some of them here: Web Deploy Command Line Syntax
-verb:<name> Action to perform (required).
-source:<object> The source object for the operation (required).
-dest:<object> The destination object for the operation.
-declareParam:<params> Declares a parameter for synchronization.
-setParam:<params> Sets a parameter for synchronization.
-setParamFile:<xmlfile> Applies parameter settings from an XML file.
-declareParamFile:<xmlfile> Includes parameter declarations from an XML file.
-removeParam:<name> Removes a parameter from the list of declared parameters.
-disableLink:<name> Disables the specified link extension(s).
-enableLink:<name> Enables the specified link extension(s).
-disableRule:<name> Disables the specified synchronization rule(s).
-enableRule:<name> Enables the specified synchronization rule(s).
-replace:<arg settings> Specifies an attribute replacement rule.
-retryAttempts The number of times a provider will retry after a failed action (not all providers support retrying). Defaults to 5.
-retryInterval Interval in milliseconds between retry attempts (-retryAttempts). The default is 1000.
-skip:<arg settings> Specifies an object to skip during synchronization.
-disableSkipDirective:<name> Disables the specified skip directive.
-enableSkipDirective:<name> Enables the specified skip directive.
-verbose Enables more verbose output.
-whatif Displays what would have happened without actually performing any operations.
-disableAppStore Disables saving to the application store during a sync.
-xpath:<path> An XPath expression to apply to XML output.
-xml Return results in XML format.
-allowUntrusted Allow untrusted server certificate when using SSL.
-showSecure Show secure attributes in XML output instead of hiding them.^
-preSync:<command> A command to execute before the synchronization on the destination. For instance, net stop a service.
-postSync:<command> A command to execute after the synchronization on the destination. For instance, net start a service.
Supported Verbs:
dump Displays the details of the specified source object.
sync Synchronizes the destination object with the source object.
delete Deletes specified destination object.
getDependencies Retrieve dependencies for given object
getParameters Return parameters supported by object
getSystemInfo Retrieve system information associated with given object
Supported provider-types (and sample paths, if applicable):
appHostAuthOverride Modifies IIS inheritance rules for different authentication settings to either allow or deny them to be overridden in a site's web.config file.
appHostConfig IIS 7 configuration
appHostSchema IIS 7 configuration schema
appPoolConfig IIS 7 Application Pool
appPoolEnable32Bit Enable 32-bit application pool on IIS7.
appPoolNetFx The appPoolNetFx provider displays or sets the .NET Framework version of an IIS application pool.
appPoolPipeline The appPoolPipeline provider displays or sets the managed pipeline mode of the specified IIS application pool.
archiveDir Archive directory
auto Automatic destination
backupManager Allows you to create, list, restore, and delete backups.
backupSettings Manages your site's backup settings
cert Certificate
certStoreSettings This provider is used to sync Centralized SSL Certificates Support store settings. It does not require any path to be specified and can only be utilized on IIS 8 and later.
comObject32 32-bit COM object
comObject64 64-bit COM object
contentPath File System Content
contentPathLib Used to deploy ASP.Net libraries that live in the 'approot' folder, which is a sibling to the content root folder.
createApp Defines an application in the IIS configuration system.
dbDacFx Deploy SQL database using DACFx API
dbFullSql Deploy SQL database
dbMySql Deploy MySQL database
dbSqlite Deploy SQLite database
dirPath Directory
fcgiExtConfig FcgiExt.ini settings or fastCgi section configuration
filePath File
gacAssembly GAC assembly
gacInstall Signed Assembly GAC Installer
iisApp Web Application
machineConfig32 .NET 32-bit machine configuration
machineConfig64 .NET 64-bit machine configuration
manifest Custom manifest file
metaKey Metabase key
package A .zip file package
recycleApp Recycles, starts, or stops an application's app pool, or unloads an application's app domains on IIS 7.
regKey Registry key
regValue Registry value
rootWebConfig32 .NET 32-bit root Web configuration
rootWebConfig64 .NET 64-bit root Web configuration
runCommand Runs a command on the destination when sync is called.
setAcl Grant permissions
urlScanConfig UrlScan.ini settings or requestFiltering section configuration
webServer Full IIS 7 Web server
webServer60 Full IIS 6 Web server
Common settings (can be used with all providers):
computerName=<name> Name of remote computer or proxy-URL
wmsvc=<name> Name of remote computer or proxy-URL for the Web Management Service (WMSvc). Assumes that the service is listening on port 8172.
authtype=<name> Authentication scheme to use. NTLM is the default setting. If the wmsvc option is specified, then Basic is the default setting.
userName=<name> User name to authenticate for remote connections (required if using Basic authentication).
password=<password> Password of the user for remote connections (required if using Basic authentication).
storeCredentials=<target> Username and password will be stored in the Windows Credential Manager under the target identifier.
getCredentials=<target> Target identifies the credentials (username and password) in the Windows Credential Manager to be used when connecting to remote computer.
encryptPassword=<pwd> Password to use for encrypting/decrypting any secure data.
includeAcls=<bool> If true, include ACLs in the operation (applies to the file system, registry, and metabase).
tempAgent=<bool> Temporarily install the remote agent for the duration of a remote operation.
publishSettings=<filePath> File path to a publish settings file which contains remote connection information.