yarmproxy(Yet Another Redis/Memcached PROXY) is a light-weight high performance redis/memcached proxy.
- very light-weight and fast
- user space zero copy
- multi-thread workers & lock-free
- pipelined request processing
- parallel multi-read/multi-write
- automatic failover and best-effort reply
- supported protocols: redis, memcached-text, and memcahced-binary
- portable to windows Linux/Mac/Windows
- (more to be supported...)
- append
- decr
- decrby
- del
- exists
- get
- getrange
- getset
- incr
- incrby
- incrbyfloat
- mget
- mset (non-atomic)
- psetex
- set
- setex
- setnx
- setrange
- strlen
- touch
- ttl
- yarmstats (show the yarmproxy statistics)
- (more to be supported...)
- add
- append
- cas
- decr
- delete
- get
- gets
- incr
- prepend
- replace
- set
- touch
- yarmstats (show the yarmproxy statistics)
To be supported soon...
the yarmproxy source codeunit
unit testtest
testing redis/memcached commandsstress
a client for stress testingbenchmark
benchmarking origin_server(redis or memcached)/yarmproxy/nutcracker(aka. twemproxy)
- Third-party dependencies
- boost.asio (boost 1.56 or higher recommended)
- cmake
- Linux or Mac
$ cd proxy
$ mkir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Windows
To be supported soon...
$ cd test && make && make test
Please cd into the test
dir for more details
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
g++ 4.8.5 / clang++ 3.4.2 -
Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
g++ 5.4.0 -
Mac OS X
Mac OS X 10.15
Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.12) -
Supported soon...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017
Please cd into the benchmark
dir for more details
Send mail to moogates@163.com
if you have any questions or found any bugs.
Thanks a lot in advance!