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At work,, I wanted to compare just a few methods dealing with serialization from a handful of classes. So I found a pre-existing grammar and made this little tool that extracts the methods I ask for. It preserves annotations and preceding whitespace.

Walkthrough of how I created this project

Using ANTLR 4 and the Java7.g4 grammar on github I show you how to write a Java program to recursively walk through all .java files in a directory, parsing each one and then extracting the full method text for a few method names supplied to the tool.

Set up ANTLR & Grammar

Download ANTLRWorks from have a git reference to the grammars repo within this project. Open up Java7.g4. Look around and find the rule that handles method declarations.

methodDeclaration is the name of the rule.

Generate Java Classes

In ANTLRWorks, choose Run->Generate Recognizer. In the wizard, pick a package name and a place to generate the files. Also make sure you are generating the listener. This creates all the Java7*.java files you see in src/com/codetransform/javatools/.

Using the Listener

Each rule has two listener methods declared, enter* and exit*. Have a look at It has all of the enter and exit methods stubbed out. I subclassed it in MethodFinder, then extended enterMethodDeclaration(), where I grab the method name out of the ctx object and see if it matches one of our passed in arguments. If it matches, I get the text that this rule had matched using the token interval from ctx.start and ctx.stop. I save the interval for printing out later.

    @Override public void enterMethodDeclaration(Java7Parser.MethodDeclarationContext ctx) {
      TerminalNode identifier = ctx.Identifier();
      if (identifier!=null) {
        for (String name:methodNamesToMatch) {
          if (identifier.getText().equals(name)) {
            int a = ctx.start.getStartIndex();
            int b = ctx.stop.getStopIndex();
            Interval interval = new Interval(a,b);

After the walker has walked the whole file, I'll have a list of token intervals I want to print out. By keeping around the ANTLR CharStream I can easily extract the text with the token interval I saved in the intervals list.

    private void writeOutputFile() {
      File outFile = new File(this.outputDir, this.currentJavaFile.getName());
      try {
        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outFile);
        for (Interval interval:this.intervals) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Could not write output file " + outFile);

The rest of the MethodFinder class has the generic code to walk a directory tree to find the .java files. For each file it invokes the ANTLR parser and then invokes a ParseTreeWalker to walk the tree, calling our listener when appropriate.

Including annotations and comments

One problem with the above code is that it doesn't include annotations or preceding comments. I'd like to include those, so I added two more steps to getting the interval. First, I look up parent contexts until I find the ClassBodyDeclarationContext. That will include the annotations. The parser itself doesn't know about whitespace or comments. Those are tokens, but saved on a 'hidden' channel the parser never sees. So I work backwards from the start token until I hit a non-hidden token. That lets me include the preceding comments and whitespace.

    @Override public void enterMethodDeclaration(Java7Parser.MethodDeclarationContext ctx) {
      TerminalNode identifier = ctx.Identifier();
      if (identifier!=null) {
        for (String name:methodNamesToMatch) {
          if (identifier.getText().equals(name)) {
            ParserRuleContext parent = ctx.getParent();
            //pop up parent contexts to get to classBodyDeclaration so we include annotations and modifiers
            while (parent!=null && !(parent instanceof Java7Parser.ClassBodyDeclarationContext)) {
              parent = parent.getParent();
            if (parent == null) {
              parent = ctx;
            Token start = parent.start;
            // work backwards in token stream to include all preceding whitespace and comments
            int tokenIndex = start.getTokenIndex();
            while (tokenIndex>0 && tokens.get(tokenIndex-1).getChannel()!=Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL) {
            int a = start.getStartIndex();
            int b = ctx.stop.getStopIndex();
            Interval interval = new Interval(a,b);


Extracts just the named methods via the ANTLR 4 Java 7 grammar.







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