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monstrominas is a Minesweeper clone written for the "Reto de la toja azul 2019" challenge at
- Background image (because, why not?).
- Interactive minefield size (use mouse wheel).
On Linux, the included CMakeLists.txt
should build the project given that the necessary libraries are installed on your system.
- Make sure you have the required packages installed:
- CMake
- Allegro 5 development files
- Create a build directory inside the project directory and build it using CMake + make:
monstruosoft@PC:~$ cd monstrominas
monstruosoft@PC:~/monstrominas$ mkdir build
monstruosoft@PC:~/monstrominas$ cd build
monstruosoft@PC:~/monstrominas/build$ cmake ..
monstruosoft@PC:~/monstrominas/build$ make
On Windows, you should be able to build the game using CMake + MinGW. Good luck with that, though, since I can't test the build process on Windows.
The game supports background JPEG images chosen at random from a path passed as an argument on the command line:
monstruosoft@PC:~/monstrominas/build$ ./main ~/Pictures
If no path is specified, by default the game will look for images in a directory named data located in the same directory as the executable, this way you can place selected images in the default path. If neither a path is specified nor the data folder exists, the game will still run by using a default solid background color.