Toggle switch for ネタバレ (NetaBare)
ネタバレ (NetaBare) means spoiler
Articles using this plugin toggle showing the NetaBare sentences.
This plugin is for VuePress v2
Styles in components are written by Tailwind CSS.
Adding Windi CSS
is recommended.
npm install -D windicss vite-plugin-windicss
// config.ts
import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { viteBundler } from 'vuepress'
import { defaultTheme } from 'vuepress'
import WindiCSS from 'vite-plugin-windicss'
import { netabareSwitchPlugin } from 'vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch'
export default defineUserConfig({
bundler: viteBundler({
viteOptions: {
plugins: [
scan: {
include: [
path.resolve(__dirname, './**/*.{vue,html,md}'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch/lib/**/*.{vue,html,md}'),
exclude: [
plugins: [netabareSwitchPlugin()],
$ npm install -D vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch
$ yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch
Add vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch
in your config file.
Since version 1.0.1 is for VuePress 2.0.0-beta.40 or later. Usage of plugins is changed.
// config.ts
import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { netabareSwitchPlugin } from 'vuepress-plugin-netabare-switch'
export default defineUserConfig({
plugins: [
netabareSwitchPlugin(), // add
in your article file (.md
<NetaBareSwitch>Show spoiler</NetaBareSwitch>
and writing like below:
## The culprit is <NetaBareSpan bare="Mr. Foo">◯◯</NetaBareSpan>
Message that do not contain spoilers is here.
It is recommended that the first line be a blank line for markdown parser.
<NetaBareDiv bare>
Message containing spoilers is here.
<NetaBareDiv bare :isBare="false">
Message that do not contain spoilers is here.
`isBare` prop takes priority of `bare` attribute.
plugins: [
// Prefix of keys for LocalStorage
// default: 'netabare'
keyPrefix: 'nb',
// Prefix of components name
// default: 'NetaBare'
componentPrefix: 'NB', // -> `<NBSwitch/>`
slot is message to toggle NetaBare
Default is in Japanese.
using for <input type=checkbox class="toggle-checkbox">
id and storage key
<div :class="switchWrapperClass">
<input type=checkbox class="toggle-checkbox" :class="buttonClass" />
<label class="toggle-label" :class="switchBgClass" />
<label :class="labelClass">
<slot name="default" />
.toggle-checkbox {
background-color: var(--c-text);
.toggle-checkbox:checked {
right: 0;
background-color: var(--c-tip-bg);
.toggle-checkbox + .toggle-label {
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid var(--c-tip);
background-color: var(--c-tip-bg);
.toggle-checkbox:checked + .toggle-label {
background-color: var(--c-tip);
slot is paragraph including/excluding spoiler.
If true, messages in the default slot are including spoiler.
If false, without spoiler even if bare
attribute exists.
If exists, messages in the default slot are including spoiler.
slot is words excluding spoiler.
prop is words including spoiler.