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Version 2.1.0

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@trentgill trentgill released this 31 Jan 02:15
· 85 commits to main since this release

This update primarily adds support for new ii devices: W/2 (wtape, wdel, wsyn), Disting EX (disting), and multiple crows (crow). Full docs are forthcoming, but for now you can inquire on-device by sending ii.<device>.help() (eg. to see the full supported API for that device.

crow to crow communication

Communication from crow to crow enables:

  • expanded I/O capabilities: ii.crow.volts(...), ii.crow.slew(...) and ii.crow.input(...)
  • high-level I/O helpers: ii.crow.pulse(...),, ii.crow.lfo(...)
  • generic commands: ii.crow.call1(...), ii.crow.call2(...), ii.crow.call3(...), ii.crow.call4(...)
  • generic requests: ii.crow.query0(), ii.crow.query1(...), ii.crow.query2(...), ii.crow.query3(...)

The I/O commands above are handled automatically, so the second crow doesn't need a script running at all. You can also send ii.crow.reset() to make sure the second crow isn't running First or some other uploaded script.

Using the ii.crow.input(ch) query, will respond with the event ii.crow.event( event ) as is customary for ii devices.

When the above I/O behaviours aren't sufficient for your uses, you can use the generic commands & requests. These require you to upload a script onto the second crow that handles the generic events. Do so by re-defining the functions: -- where ... are the received arguments (not a table)
ii.self.query(...) -- this function should return the value to be sent back over ii

This feature is marked as 'Early Access' as the command list may change somewhat after we receive more feedback of it in use. Everything works as described, but we welcome your feedback if you can improve things.

For those using crow with norns, you'll need the (TBD) release or later to take advantage of the new ii features.


  • NEW ii support for W/2.0 firmware
  • NEW [Early Access] ii support for Disting EX
  • NEW [Early Access] ii support for crow to crow communication
  • FIX ii transmission speed increased to 400kHz (was ~90kHz)
  • FIX setting metro time to zero no longer causes crash (clamps to 500uS)
  • FIX crow.reset() now resets output[n].scale to 'none'