This project is a web application that utilizes a Pokémon API to fetch and display information about different Pokémon species. It presents a list of Pokémon, showcasing an image for each Pokémon. Users can delve deeper into each Pokémon's details through an interactive modal interface.
- Repository: A local repository is maintained to store the details of each Pokémon fetched from the PokeAPI.
- List of Pokémon: The application presents a list of Pokémon for users to browse through.
- Pokémon Details: Clicking on a Pokémon displays a modal with the Pokémon's name, image, height, and type(s).
- Search Bar: Includes a search functionality to easily find Pokémon by name.
To use this application locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project folder, called 'pokedex'.
- Open the
file in your web browser.
The core functionality of the application is written using JavaScript ES6. This includes the use of promises for asynchronous operations and forEach loops all within an IIFE.
Bootstrap is used for the application's responsive layout, pre-designed components, and modal dialogs. It ensures that the application looks good on all screen sizes, provides a consistent user experience, and allows for interactive modal dialogs to display detailed information about each Pokémon.
PokeAPI is used to fetch data on different Pokémon species, which includes each Pokémon's name, details, and images.
Prettier is used to automatically format the code to ensure it follows a consistent style. ESLint is used to catch potential bugs and enforce best practices. Together, they help maintain the quality and readability of the code.