This demo allows you to create sentence embeddings in place with existing data and then query from the prompt in python - Only requirements are a working Atlas connection and an OpenAI key. We are using the sample_airbnb.listingsAndReviews namespace
First lets install pymongo
pip3 install pymongo
Then lets install numpy
pip3 install numpy
and lastly we are going to need to install OpenAI
pip3 install openai
Once these packages are installed lets create a new file called What this code does is get every document in the database, concatenate various fields (name, summary, space, description, transit and price) within each data entry into an input string which is then fed to OpenAI to generate the embedding that will hold the semantic meaning of the input string
import pymongo
import openai
#Set up openai key
openai.api_key = "OPENAI API KEY"
# Connect to MongoDB
client = pymongo.MongoClient('MONGODB CONNECTION STRING')
db = client['sample_airbnb']
collection = db['listingsAndReviews']
# Retrieve documents from the collection
documents = collection.find()
# Iterate over the documents
index = 0
for document in documents:
# print(document)
#append various data fields in the database entry, assuming they are not null, to the input string used to generate the embedding
embedding_input_string = ""
if document['name']!=None:
embedding_input_string+=document["name"]+". "
if document['summary']!=None:
embedding_input_string+=document['summary']+". "
if document['space']!=None:
embedding_input_string+=document['space']+". "
if document['description']!=None:
embedding_input_string+=document['description']+". "
if document['transit']!=None:
embedding_input_string+=document['transit']+". "
if document['price']!=None:
embedding_input_string+="Price per night: "+str(document['price'])+'. '
#print the current input string used to generate the embedding
#generate openai embedding based on input string
embedding = openai.Embedding.create(input = [embedding_input_string], model="text-embedding-ada-002")['data'][0]['embedding']
#Set corresponding openai_embedding into each document in the database
document['openai_embedding'] = embedding
#keep track of index to display progress in terminal
print("Current index: {}".format(index)) #to keep track of progress
# Update the document in the collection
collection.update_one({'_id': document['_id']}, {'$set': document})
# Close the MongoDB connection
When you kick this off you will see lots of sentences scrolling past that means the sentence embeddings are being created - will pause every once in a while to show you index entries -
Now you must go to Atlas search and create a new search index that looks like this
"mappings": {
"dynamic": true,
"fields": {
"openai_embedding": {
"dimensions": 1536,
"similarity": "cosine",
"type": "knnVector"
Now you are ready to query the data! use in this repo to do that next!