Welcome to my profile!
- nyc-subway-tracker : logs history of trains for all lines and all stations in the NYC subway system
- system-scripts : a collection of system scripts that I use for my home server
- ytdl-GUI : GUI program for yt-dlp, a video downloader
: personal website to showcase programming projects
- Will be worked as more projects are completed
: calculates mortar inputs for Post Scriptum given current and target coordinates
- Next step is to design a GUI for the program, but is not a high priority at the moment
- tag-security-11 : co-authored a security assessment draft of Antrea for the CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group
- rats.py : Final project for HS Intro to Programming class
x86_64 (Desktop):
- Windows 10 MSYS2/MINGW64
- Windows 10 WSL2, Arch Linux
- Arch Linux
Apple Silicon (Laptop):
- macOS
- Asahi Linux (Fedora)
Proxmox VE (Server Host):
- Windows 10, Windows 2022 Server
- Arch Linux, Debian