This web application automate processes in "Enjoy", register employees, customers, and register entries outputs the products and other functions very important, monitor the parties, and see in a calendar. Let's go!
Author: @moisesarrona
Description: Update dependecies, fixing dependency dompdf
- Laravel 8*
- Migration (Create DB)
- Seeders (Insert DB)
- Factories (Data faker)
- Auth Laravel/ui (auth backend)
- Bootstrap 4*
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Carbon 2.4* (DateTime)
- Faker 1.9* (Data faker)
- PHP ^7.3 - ^8.0
- MySQL 5.7.39
- Apache2
- Composer
- Git
- install brew
- install php - brew install php
- install composer - brew install composer
- Step 1 Download the project
~ ❯ git clone
- Step 2 Update dependeces with
composer update
- Step 3 Copy development file
cp .env.example .env
- Step 4 Generate key to hashing
php artisan key:generate
- Step 5 Modify file .env with your credentials mysql
- Step 6 Run migration and seeders with
php artisan migrate --seed
- Step 7
php artisan serve
- Step 8 Log in with this credentials
password: Admin123
Hi, my name is Moises Arrona I'm creator this library, follow me in Github for more projects or Instagram for anything