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Android Testing and Analysis

Recent paper related to Android testing and Analysis





Reproduce Flaky

Test Event Reduction

Non-crash bug


  • 2021
    • Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
    • Finding the Missing Piece: Permission Specification Analysis for Android NDK
    • Automated Repair for Size-Based Inaccessibility Issues in Mobile Apps
    • Deep GUI: Black-box GUI Input Generation with Deep Learning
    • UI Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms
  • 2020
    • Seven Reasons Why: An In-Depth Study of the Limitations of Random Test Input Generation for Android
    • UI obfuscation and its effects on automated UI analysis for Android apps
    • Automated third-party library detection for Android applications: are we there yet?
    • Owl eyes: spotting UI display issues via visual understanding
    • Test automation in Open-Source Android Apps: A Large-Scale Empirical Study
    • ER Catcher: A Static Analysis Framework for Accurate and Scalable Event-Race Detection in Android
    • Speeding up GUI Testing by On-Device Test Generation
  • 2019
    • Humanoid: a deep learning-based approach to automated black-box Android app testing
    • Test transfer across mobile apps through semantic mapping
    • Goal-driven exploration for Android applications
    • Randr: Record and replay for android applications via targeted runtime instrumentation
    • LIRAT: layout and image recognition driving automated mobile testing of cross-platform
    • DaPanda: detecting aggressive push notifications in Android apps
    • Test migration between mobile apps with similar functionality
    • MutAPK: source-codeless mutant generation for Android apps
    • Automating app review response generation
    • A qualitative analysis of Android taint-analysis results
    • OAuthLint: an empirical study on OAuth bugs in Android applications
    • Demystifying application performance management libraries for Android
    • Characterizing Android app signing issues
  • 2018
    • An empirical study of android test generation tools in industrial cases
    • Understanding and detecting evolution-induced compatibility issues in Android apps
    • Understanding and detecting callback compatibility issues for Android applications
    • Efficiently manifesting asynchronous programming errors in Android apps
    • On adopting linters to deal with performance concerns in Android apps
    • Self-protection of Android systems from inter-component communication attacks
    • A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applications
    • Characterizing and identifying misexposed activities in Android applications
    • Dual-force: understanding WebView malware via cross-language forced execution
  • 2017
    • SimplyDroid: efficient event sequence simplification for Android application
    • EHBDroid: beyond GUI testing for Android applications
    • Sketch-guided gui test generation for mobile applications
    • Systematically testing background services of mobile apps
    • UI driven Android application reduction
    • ANDROFLEET: testing WiFi peer-to-peer mobile apps in the large
    • Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps
    • Systematic reduction of GUI test sequences
    • EventFlowSlicer: a tool for generating realistic goal-driven GUI tests
    • Crowd intelligence enhances automated mobile testing
  • 2016
    • Automated model-based Android GUI testing using multi-level GUI comparison criteria
    • Reflection-aware static analysis of Android apps
    • Taming Android fragmentation: characterizing and detecting compatibility issues for Android apps
    • Relda2: an effective static analysis tool for resource leak detection in Android apps.


  • 2020
    • Data loss detector: automatically revealing data loss bugs in Android apps
    • Automated classification of actions in bug reports of mobile apps
  • 2019
    • SARA: self-replay augmented record and replay for Android in industrial cases
    • Improving random GUI testing with image-based widget detection
    • TestMig: migrating GUI test cases from iOS to Android
    • Mining Android crash fixes in the absence of issue- and change-tracking systems
    • LibID: reliable identification of obfuscated third-party Android libraries
    • QADroid: regression event selection for Android applications
    • Learning user interface element interactions
  • 2018
    • Automatically translating bug reports into test cases for mobile apps
    • LAND: a user-friendly and customizable test generation tool for Android apps
    • CiD: automating the detection of API-related compatibility issues in Android apps
    • Test migration for efficient large-scale assessment of mobile app coding assignments
  • 2017
    • Data flow oriented UI testing: exploiting data flows and UI elements to test Android applications
    • Semi-automated discovery of server-based information oversharing vulnerabilities in Android applications
  • 2016
    • Monkey see, monkey do: effective generation of GUI tests with inferred macro events
    • Sapienz: multi-objective automated testing for Android applications
    • DroidRA: taming reflection to support whole-program analysis of Android apps
    • Energy-aware test-suite minimization for android apps
  • 2015
    • Systematic execution of android test suites in adverse conditions



Reproduce Flaky

Test Event Reduction

Non-crashing bug

Human-provided oracles to find non-crashing bugs

  • THOR: Systematic Execution of Android Test Suites in Adverse Conditions (ISSTA '2015)
  • ChimpCheck: property-based randomized test generation for interactive apps
  • AppFlow: using machine learning to synthesize robust, reusable UI tests (ESEC/FSE '2018)
  • Automation of Android applications functional testing using machine learning activities classification (MOBILESofT '2018)
  • Test Migration Between Mobile Apps with Similar Functionality (ASE '2019)
  • Test Transfer Across Mobile Apps Through Semantic Mapping (ASE '2019)
  • Reinforcement Learning-Driven Test Generation for Android GUI Applications using Formal Specifications (ARXIV '2019)
  • Augusto: exploiting popular functionalities for the generation of semantic GUI tests with Oracles (ICSE '2018)
  • Automated test oracles for GUIs (FSE '2000)
  • What Test Oracle Should I Use for Effective GUI Testing? (ASE '2003)
  • Designing and comparing automated test oracles for GUI-based software applications (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol '2007)
  • ReNaLART: Automating test oracles from restricted natural language agile requirements (Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng '2021)

Uses differential testing to overcome the oracle problem

  • SPAG-C: On the Accuracy, Efficiency, and Reusability of Automated Test Oracles for Android Devices (IEEE Trans. Software Eng)

  • DIFFDROID: Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps (ASE '2017)

Generates automated oracles for a specific class of user interactions


Android Testing Literature






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