Utility functions for nodejs developers and React Developers
postContent: Sends content to servers via HTTP
getContent: Gets content via HTTP
randomString: Generates random strings
uniqueString: Generate unique strings
uploadFile: Upload file from location to server
rand: Generate random number given a range
encrypt: Generate a cipher text of any string passed
decrypt: Generate plain text of supplied cipher text encrypted using encryt function above
errorMessage: Generate nice error message of any exception passed
deleteFile: Delete file from the file system
decodeJwt: Decodes JWT Token
fileExists: Checks if file exists in the file system
md5: Generates md5 hash of passed string
InvalidTokenError: Throw INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
TokenExpiredError: Throw INVALID_EXPIRE_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
AuthenticationError: Throw AUTHENTICATION_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
AuthorizationError: Throw AUTHORIZATION_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
EntryExistError: Throw ENTRY_EXIST_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
EntryNotFoundError: Throw ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
ValidationError: Throw VALIDATION_ERROR with corresponded HTTP STATUS CODE
slugify: Slugifies any string passed including special characters
htmlEncode: Encode HTML characters
htmlDecode: Decode HTML special characters
readJson: Read json from file
dateFormat: format date to any format
toExcel: Convert given data in array to microsoft excel file
isFile: Check if a given path is a file
paginate: Automatically create pagination page values
isAjaxRequest: Check if request is an ajax request