Meem is an online shop , static web page that allows users to view & sell their products to other users.
- Developed using HTML5,CSS and Javascript.
- It is flexible and responsive to any screen changes.
- It was built as a Studying project (4 students) and got the highest rate overall.
- the main page (index.html) which views all products. Developed by me
- item page (itempage.html) which has all product details and reviews. Developed by me
- mycart page (mycart.html) which display user's cart with its items , user can increase or decrease amount of any item , add item to favorites , remove item and enter a valid copun like ( FCI ) to get a discount.
- profile page (profile.html) which display user's info and orders.
- team page (aboutUsPage.html) which display team members.
- contact us page (contactUs.html) which display a form with some validations