All done WITHOUT video editing or asset compiling. Just pure ✨programming magic✨.
Originally created by Lewis Menelaws & TMRRW. I made some modifications to it like adding the Unreal Speech TSS, changing how the text is rendered in story mode, and much more!
These videos on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram get MILLIONS of views across all platforms and require very little effort. The only original thing being done is the editing and gathering of all materials...
... but what if we can automate that process? 🤔
- Finally, the bot created in this repository can now upload the videos generated to YouTube. It also generates the video title, description, tags & thumbnail!
- Python 3.10
- Playwright (this should install automatically in installation)
- Clone this repository
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python -m playwright install
andpython -m playwright install-deps
Roboto Fonts are licensed under Apache License V2