Making a C++ snake game using Object Oriented Programming Concepts and Design Concepts #include #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include using namespace std; typedefstructtailpos { int x; int y; structtailpos *next; structtailpos *prev; } tail; int d = 4; class snake { public: intwallsX, wallsY; intwalleX, walleY; int score; intfoodx, foody; HANDLE console_handle; COORD cur_cord; tail *start, *current, *newtail; snake(); void insert(int x, int y); void draw(); voiddrawWall(); void move(); bool collision(); voiddrawfood(int x = 0); voiddrawinit(); voidlabelDead(); void menu(); void help(); }; void loop(snake &ob); snake::snake() { score = 0; start = NULL; current = NULL; newtail = NULL; console_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); foodx = 12; foody = 14;
wallsX = 2; wallsY = 2; walleX = 70; walleY = 20; cur_cord.X = 152; cur_cord.Y = 500; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(console_handle, cur_cord); } void snake ::insert(int x, int y) { if (start == NULL) { newtail = new tail; newtail->x = x; newtail->y = y; newtail->next = NULL; newtail->prev = NULL; start = newtail; current = newtail; } else { newtail = new tail; newtail->x = x; newtail->y = y; newtail->next = NULL; newtail->prev = current; current->next = newtail; current = newtail; } } void snake::move() { tail *tmp, *cur; tmp = current; while (tmp->prev != NULL) { tmp->x = tmp->prev->x; tmp->y = tmp->prev->y; tmp = tmp->prev; } if (d == 1) start->y--; if (d == 2) start->y++; if (d == 3) start->x--; if (d == 4) start->x++; }
void snake::draw() { cur_cord.X=10; cur_cord.Y=5; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle,cur_cord); cout<< "use above statement to to set cursor position";
cur_cord.X = 2; cur_cord.Y = 0; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< "SCORE : " << score; tail *tmp, *last; tmp = start; last = current; while (tmp != NULL) { cur_cord.X = tmp->x; cur_cord.Y = tmp->y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< (char)219; tmp = tmp->next; } cur_cord.X = last->x; cur_cord.Y = last->y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< ' '; cur_cord.X = foodx; cur_cord.Y = foody; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< (char)15; } void snake::drawWall() { cur_cord.X = wallsX; for (int y = wallsY; y <= walleY; y++) { cur_cord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< '#'; } cur_cord.Y = wallsY; for (int x = wallsX; x <= walleX; x++) { cur_cord.X = x; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< '#'; } cur_cord.X = walleX;
for (int y = wallsY; y <= walleY; y++) { cur_cord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< '#'; }
cur_cord.Y = walleY; for (int x = wallsX; x <= walleX; x++) { cur_cord.X = x; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< '#'; } } void snake::drawfood(int x) { tail *tmp; tmp = start; if (x == 1) { foodx = rand() % 2 + 39; foody = rand() % 2 + 16; while (tmp->next != NULL) { if (foodx == tmp->x &&foody == tmp->y) { drawfood(1); cout<< "drawn"; } tmp = tmp->next; } } } void snake::drawinit() { drawWall(); } bool snake::collision() { tail *tmp; tmp = start->next; while (tmp->next != NULL) { if (start->x == tmp->x && start->y == tmp->y) return true; tmp = tmp->next; } if (start->x == foodx&& start->y == foody) { insert(foodx, foody);
drawfood(1); score++; } for (int x = wallsX; x <= walleX; x++) { if (start->x == x && start->y == wallsY) { return true; } } for (int y = wallsY; y <= walleY; y++) { if (start->x == wallsX&& start->y == y) { return true; } } for (int y = wallsY; y <= walleY; y++) { if (start->x == walleX&& start->y == y) { return true; } } for (int x = wallsX; x <= walleX; x++) { if (start->x == x && start->y == walleY) { return true; } } return false; } void snake::labelDead() { cur_cord.X = (walleX / 2); cur_cord.Y = (walleY / 2); SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< "YOU ARE DEAD\n"; cur_cord.Y = (walleY / 2) + 1; SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, cur_cord); cout<< "YOUR SCORE IS " << score; } void snake::menu() { char word; ifstreamiFile("menu.txt"); word = iFile.get(); while (iFile) {
cout<< word; word = iFile.get(); } iFile.close(); } void snake::help() { char word; ifstreamiFile("help.txt"); word = iFile.get(); while (iFile) { cout<< word; word = iFile.get(); } iFile.close(); getch(); } int main() {snakeobc;; switch (getch()) { case 'z': system("CLS"); loop(obc); break; case 'h': system("CLS");; system("CLS"); main(); break; case 'q': break; default: system("CLS"); main(); } return 0; } void loop(snake &ob) { ob.insert(10, 6); ob.insert(10, 7); ob.insert(10, 8); ob.insert(10, 9); ob.drawinit(); intdir = 1; while (1)
{ ob.draw(); Sleep(200); if (ob.collision()) { ob.labelDead(); break; } if (kbhit()) { switch (getch()) { case 'w': d = 1; break; case 's': d = 2; break; case 'a': d = 3; break; case 'd': d = 4; break; case 'm': ob.insert(10, 7); break; } } ob.move(); } int x; cin>> x; }