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Flutter Application Task - README

This document outlines the specifications and requirements for the Flutter application task during the internship process. The project involves creating a functional app with registration, login, and movie list features, using the Parse Platform API for backend and local database integration.

Task Overview

The application consists of two main screens:

  1. Login Screen:

    • Includes input fields for username and password.
    • Buttons to either register a new user or log in with existing credentials.
  2. Dashboard Screen:

    • Displays a scrollable list of movies retrieved from a remote database.
    • Shows details for each movie, such as the title, description, and additional movie information.


1. Login Functionality

  • Allow user registration with a unique username and password.
  • Enable users to log in using their registered credentials.

2. Remote Database Integration

  • Use the Parse Platform API for backend services.
  • Store and retrieve movie list data locally using a caching mechanism.


1. Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Flutter for cross-platform development.
  • Backend: Parse Platform API for data fetching and local storage management.

2. User Interface

  • Design the UI as per the provided wireframes.
  • Ensure the app is responsive across various screen sizes.

3. Code Quality

  • Write clean and modular code.
  • Add comments to explain the purpose of functions and components.


Main Functionality

  1. Movies List:
    • Fetch and display movies with pagination.
  2. Details Navigation:
    • View detailed information about a movie.
  3. Pagination:
    • Navigate through pages of movies using arrow buttons.

Architecture Overview

1. Login to MainView Navigation

  • Upon successful login, the app navigates to MainView using a custom router.

2. Dependency Injection Setup

  • Use initHomeModule() to set up necessary dependencies, such as HomeUseCase and MainViewModel.

3. State Management with Provider

  • Use ChangeNotifierProvider to manage state updates and notify UI components reactively.

4. Data Fetching Flow

  1. Start Method:
    • Initiates data loading in MainViewModel.
  2. Repository Pattern:
    • Fetch data from the local database first. If unavailable, retrieve it from the remote API via AppServiceClient.

5. Error Handling

  • Handle API response errors gracefully using the Either type.

Packages Used

Package Version Purpose
Lottie 3.1.3 Provides animated illustrations.
Freezed Annotation 2.4.4 Helps create immutable data models.
Dartz 0.10.1 Functional programming utilities for safe data handling.
Json Annotation 4.9.0 Facilitates JSON serialization.
Internet Connection Checker 1.0.0+1 Checks for active internet connections.
Dio 5.7.0 Handles HTTP requests.
Pretty Dio Logger 1.4.0 Logs API requests for debugging.
Get It 8.0.2 Service locator for dependency injection.
Flutter Phoenix 1.1.1 Allows app restarts for session management.
Provider 6.1.2 Simplifies state management.
Shared Preferences 2.3.3 Stores simple key-value pairs locally.
Easy Localization 3.0.7 Adds localization and internationalization.

Development Tools

Tool Version
Flutter 3.24.3 (stable)
Dart SDK 3.3.4 (stable)
Android SDK 34.0.0
Android Studio 2024.2
VS Code 1.95.2
Gradle 8.4
OS Windows 10


This document ensures clarity in the implementation and provides a structured approach to completing the task efficiently.