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This projects consists of sending DHT11 sensor data acquired on a esp32 board and visualizing the data with a python script using matplotlib

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Hardware Requirements
  3. Software Requirements
  4. Software implementation
  5. Results
  6. Conclusion
  7. Contact

About the project

Our eyes are drawn to colors and patterns. Data visualization is a form of visual art that grabs our interest and keeps our eyes on the message. When we see a chart, we quickly see trends and outliers.

This projects consists of sending DHT11 sensor data acquired on a esp32 board and visualizing the data with a python script using matplotlib

Hardware Requirements:

  • ESP32 board ( or any board compatible with arduino IDE)
  • DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor

PS : if You dont have the entire DHT11 module then you would need a 10k ohm resistor

Software Requirements:

Python environment:

  • Python 3
  • A python IDE , in my case I used PyCharm.
  • Arduino IDE.


  • pySerial : It will allows access for the serial port.
  • Matplotlib : Matplot libs allows to make all types of plots and charts in order to properly and easily visualize data.
  • DHTNEW : Arduino library for DHT11 and DHT22 with automatic sensor type recognition.

NB: All these packages need to be installed properly.

Software implementation:

Arduino code:

  • The first phase of this project is collecting data from our sensor. This is done using an Esp32 board and the code snippets below :
  • First let's properly setup our variables:
#include <dhtnew.h>     // the dhtnew library to interface with our sensor

DHTNEW mySensor(15);    // attach the sensor data pin to the D15 pin of the esp32 board

byte H ;         // byte variable to store the humidity value read fro the sensor
float T;         // float variable to store the temperature value read fro the sensor

void setup()
 Serial.begin(115200);   // set communication rate with the serial port to 115200 bauds 
  • The humidity value was stored as byte ( values from 0 to 255) since in my case I didn't need the entire precision. the integer value was enough.

  • the mySensor.setSuppressError(true) line serves a very important role . the getHumidity() and getTemperature() functions returns last read value (float) or -999 in case of error. This might cause huge negative spikes in case we want to properly visualize the data , hence mySensor.setSuppressError(true) suppresses the error and replaces the -999 value with the last correctly read value.

  • Now let's get to the loop function :

void loop()
 if (millis() - mySensor.lastRead() > 2000) // get values from the sensor every 2 seconds

   int errcode =;        //begin reading
   T = mySensor.getTemperature();        // getting the data
   H = mySensor.getHumidity();

   Serial.print(uint16_t(T*1000 + H)) ;  // sending the data via the serial port
  • explaining the Serial.print(uint16_t(T*1000 + H)) line :
  • the humidity value is generally under 100 which means it has 2 digits.
  • the temperature value is a float with one decimal number . so we multiply it by 1000 and add to it the humidity value and convert t to a 2-bytes-integer uint16_t
  • example : say wa have a humidity value of 40 and a temperature value of 22.3 the value sent by the arduino is 223040. this 2-bytes value will be later converted to a string to be easily manipulated and to extract data with the python code.

Python implementation:

Now let's get to our code:
Let's begin with importing the required packages

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt                 # plotting 
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation   # animating the plots since there are new values added in real-time
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
import serial                                    # For serial communication

Let's establish a serial communication on COM4 port with 115200 baud rate and 0.1 sec timeout:

esp_board = serial.Serial(port='COM4', baudrate=115200, timeout=.1)

Let's setup our plotting variables :

#get the current date in the OCT - 17 - 2020 format
today =
date = today.strftime("%b-%d-%Y")
print("date = ", date)

#setup a figure containing 2 plots (for humidity and temperature respactively) over one row and 2 columns
fig , (hum_plt, temp_plt) = plt.subplots(1,2,constrained_layout=False)

#The lists that contains the data 
dates = list()   # list of time frames for the x-axis
Hum = list()
m_Hum= list()    # mean humidity values
Temp = list()
m_Temp= list()   # mean temperatures values

# thresholds that will be represented by one dashed line each.
Temp_thresh_high_lst =list()
Hum_thresh_high_lst = list()
Temp_thresh_low_lst = list()
Hum_thresh_low_lst = list()

the below function to calculate the mean value of a list

 def mean(ls):
   if len(ls)>0:
       for i in ls:
           moy += i
       moy = moy / len(ls)
       return moy
Now to the most important function that adds new data and plots.
  def add_new_data(x):
    data = esp_board.readline()                # return data sent by the board as bytes
    str_data = data.decode('utf-8').rstrip()   # reformats the bytes into a string of characters
    if (len(str_data) > 0) and (str_data.isnumeric()):
        Temp_val = float(str_data[0:3]) / 10    # the first 3 chars represent the temperature value
        Hum_val = int(str_data[3:])             # the last 2 chars represent the Humidity value   
        print("Temp val = ", Temp_val, "Hum val = ", Hum_val)
        # Get the current time and append it to the list
        now =              
        # append data to the lists
        # Set the thresholds values

        # Calculate the means of data and append them to the means lists
        m_hum = mean(Hum)
        m_temp = mean(Temp)


    # Setting plot titles ans axis labels


    # Plotting the data
    hum_plt.plot(dates,m_Hum, color='#444444', linestyle=':', label = 'Mean Humidity')
    temp_plt.plot(dates, m_Temp, color='#dc00d6', linestyle=':', label='Mean Temperature')
    temp_plt.plot_date(dates, Temp,'r-', label= 'Temperature')
    hum_plt.plot_date(dates, Hum, 'b-', label='Humidity')
    # Plotting the threshold lines
    temp_plt.plot(dates, Temp_thresh_high_lst, color='#f10d0d', linestyle='--', label='High temperature threshold')
    temp_plt.plot(dates, Temp_thresh_low_lst, color='#f10d0d', linestyle='--', label='Low Temperature threshold')
    hum_plt.plot(dates, Hum_thresh_high_lst, color='#f10d0d', linestyle='--', label='High Humidity threshold')
    hum_plt.plot(dates, Hum_thresh_low_lst, color='#f10d0d', linestyle='--', label='Low Humidity threshold')
    # Adding legends and the title of the figure which is the current date 
    temp_plt.legend(loc = "upper left",ncol = 1 )
    hum_plt.legend(loc = "best",ncol = 1)
    fig.suptitle('DATE : ' + date, fontsize=16)
    fig.autofmt_xdate()  # to have a nice time format 

Let's actually animate and display the plots:

anim = FuncAnimation(fig,add_new_data,interval=1700)



In this project, we successfullty collected data from DHT11 sensor send them to the pc via the serial communication and displayed the data ,using the matplotlib module.



This projects consists of sending DHT11 sensor data acquired on a esp32 board and visualizing the data with a python script using matplotlib






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