It's a starter template by using gulp.js with some needed dependices that gives Front-end developers a push.
Package | Usage |
gulpjs | A toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in development workflow. |
browsersync | Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. |
gulp-sass | Compile SASS/SCSS to CSS. |
browserify | Use a node-style require() to organize your browser code and load modules installed by npm. |
gulp-autoprefixer | Prefix CSS. |
gulp-csso | Minify CSS files. |
gulp-uglify | Minify JS files with UglifyJS. |
gulp-imagemin | Minify Images. |
vinyl-source-stream | Conventional text streams at the start of your gulp. |
babelify | Browserify transform for Babel. |
gulp-concat | Concatinate files together. |
node-waves | Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design. |
Framework | Definition |
Bootstrap 4 | A front-end framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and apps. |
MDBootstrap | Material Design for Bootstrap 4. |
jQuery | Manipulate the DOM. |
Font Awesome 4.7 | The iconic font and CSS toolkit. |
git clone
cd gulp-starter
npm install
npm start