Reads NZ COVID Pass passes, validates them, and lets you look at the data inside.
gem install nz_covid_pass
or add nz_covid_pass
to your Gemfile.
code = 'NZCP:/1/ABCDEFGH...'
covid_pass =
puts covid_pass.given_name
puts covid_pass.family_name # note: can be nil
puts covid_pass.dob
puts covid_pass.expiry
If there's a problem with the pass, you'll get an exception raised:
# => NZCovidPass::ParseError if the code is malformed
# => COSE::Error if the signature is invalid
# => NZCovidPass::ExpiredError if the pass is expired
# => NZCovidPass::NotYetValidError if the pass is not yet valid
# => NZCovidPass::NetworkError if the public key couldn't be retrieved
If you want to try out the test COVID Passes, you'll need to enable the test option:
covid_pass =, allow_test_issuers: true)
This gem requires network access to fetch the public key for validation. If you don't have network access, or you're going to be validating lots of passes, you can pass in a cache hash:
# if you're online, it'll populate this hash the first time you run a code
cache = {}
# if you're not online, you'll need to preload the cache
cache = {"" => {"object data" => "goes here"}}
covid_pass =, cache: cache)
Taken from the NZ COVID Pass Technical Specification v1.
Copyright 2021 Roger Nesbitt, MIT licensed.