The entire setup process has been distilled into a single file to make it easy for you to spin up the application and try it out. Run the following command in the project folder (p.s: docker must be installed on your machine):
chmod u+x && ./
- Frontend app will be available at localhost:8088
- Backend app will be available at localhost:8089
- [POST] /shorten
- Check for db record (return if present)
- Generate unique 7-char code
- Code is case-sensitive
- Alphanumerics
- Save new code (and the URL it represents) in db
- Return shortened link
- [POST] /customize
- Validate input for uniqueness
- Update record if it’s unique, reject update otherwise
- [Input] paste your link
- [button] Shorten Url
- Perform API call
- Display returned short link (clickable)
- If there’s enough time
- Show extra option to user
- [Input] “Customize link”
- [Grouped input] localhost:8089/[Input:custom-identifier]
- Make API call and show result
Link resolution:
- Match url (ex: localhost:8089/{code})
- Check for code in cache
- Check for code in db, persist in cache if present
- Redirect to the original url
- Utilize rabbitmq for async stats updates per requested link
Unless libraries like axios, nelmio, doctrine and symfony packages count, no 3rd party libraries were used.