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JSON Regular Expressions

Jim Pivarski edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 8 revisions


Since PFA is JSON, it is easier to inspect, build, or edit if you have good tools for manipulating JSON. JSON is represented in Python as None, True, False, integers, floating-point numbers, strings, Python lists of the above, and Python dictionaries of the above. Titus's "JSON regular expressions" provide a declarative language for manipulating these structures.

"JSON regular expressions" work like regular expressions for text, except that they apply to tree structures, rather than substrings of text. The library provides classes for defining patterns, performing JSON-tree searches using those patterns, and using pattern-matches for extractions or modifications.

Keep in mind that, despite the name, these "regular expressions" are not matching the string representation of the JSON, but the Python structure (effectively a DOM).

JSON patterns

When you do from import *, you get a Python-based DSL for pattern matching. The pfainspector goes one step further and provides a shorter, regex-inspired syntax for the same pattern matching functions. The table below shows all of the patterns and their pfainspector equivalents.

Python class Example pfainspector syntax Matches
NoneType None null null and only null
bool True, False true, false only true and false
int 123 123 exact number in JSON
float 3.14 3.14 exact number in JSON
str "hello" "hello" exact string in JSON
list [1, True, "hello"] [1, true, "hello"] exact array in JSON, may contain non-trivial patterns
dict {"one": 1, "two": None} {one: 1, "two": null} exact object in JSON, may contain non-trivial patterns in the values (not keys)
Any Any() _ (underscore) anything: any structure or leaf node
Any(int, str) (no equivalent) specified Python classes
Any(int, long, float) # (hash sign) any number
LT LT(3.14) # < 3.14 number less than specified value
LE LE(3.14) # <= 3.14 number less than or equal to specified value
GT GT(3.14) # > 3.14 number greater than specified value
GE GE(3.14) # >= 3.14 number greater than or equal to specified value
Approx Approx(3.14, 0.01) 3.14 +- 0.01 number with a two-sided range
RegEx RegEx("some.*string") /some.*string/ strings by (ordinary) regular expression with Python regex syntax
RegEx("some.*string", flags="i") /some.*string/i Python regular expression flags
RegEx("from", "to") /from/to/ regular expression with replacement text (only used by functions that change the JSON)
Start Start(1, 2, 3) [1, 2, 3, ...] JSON array that begins with specified values, may contain non-trivial patterns
End End(8, 9, 10) [..., 8, 9, 10] JSON array that ends with specified values, may contain non-trivial patterns
Min Min(key1=value1, key2=value2) {key1: value1, "key2": value2, ...} JSON object that contains at least a given set of key-value pairs, which may contain non-trivial values (not keys)
Group Group(name=pattern) (pattern) associates a pattern with a given name in Python or number in pfainspector (matched patterns are labeled by numbers starting with 1)
Or Or(p1, p2, p3) `(p1 p2
And And(p1, p2, p3) (p1 & p2 & p3) matches if all sub-patterns match (pfainspector needs group)

Among these pattern elements, the most useful tend to be the explicit match (None, True, False, numbers, strings, Python lists and dicts), Min, and Any. Many PFA structures are JSON objects with a few known keys, the rest unknown, so Min is disproportionately useful. Any is often used as an easy (if under-specified) placeholder.

Functions that use patterns

The json gadget of the pfainspector uses JSON patterns in the count, index, find, and change subcommands (see pfainspector help text for details).

The package defines the following functions that use patterns.

  • search(pattern, haystack) returns a generator that yields (index, Match) pairs. That is, if you do

    for i, m in search({"+": [2, 2]}, pfaDocument):
        print i, m

    you will print out indexes like ('action', 3, 'log', '+') and Match objects. If you do

     list(search({"+": [2, 2]}, pfaDocument))

    you'll get a list of all of them at once. Match objects have an original field with a copy of the matched structure, a modified field with RegEx substitutions (if any), and a groups field that provides a dict from Group name to matched groups within the original match.

  • searchFirst(pattern, haystack) returns the first such pair or None if there weren't any.

  • index(pattern, haystack) returns the index only (or None). This index is a tuple describing a path through the JSON tree from root to the desired element.

  • indexes(pattern, haystack) returns a generator that yields indexes.

  • contains(pattern, haystack) returns True or False, only reporting whether the pattern exists in the haystack.

  • count(pattern, haystack) returns the number of occurrences of the pattern in the haystack. Note that if a pattern matches a structure and also substructures within it, generators will iterate over both cases and this function will count both of them.

  • findRef(pattern, haystack) returns the actual Python reference--- not a copy--- of the matched object. Having a reference allows you to change objects in place, like this:

    findRef({"+": [2, 2]}, pfaDocument)["+"] = [3, 3]

    to change 2 + 2 into 3 + 3.

  • findCopy(pattern, haystack) returns a deep copy that has no dependence on the original Python structure. Changing this copy in-place does not alter the original.

  • findAllRef(pattern, haystack) returns a generator that iterates over references. For instance,

    for ref in findAllRef({"+": [2, 2]}, pfaDocument):
        ref["+"] = [3, 3]

    changes all instances of 2 + 2 into 3 + 3.

* `findAllCopy(pattern, haystack)` returns a generator that iterates over copies.

In practice, the most useful functions are findRef and findAllRef, since you'll usually be looking for a placeholder structure in a PFA document and wanting to replace it with real values. The next most common are index and indexes, which allow for navigation to the parent of a node.

Index functions

The same module has functions for working with indexes. The indexes returned by the above are tuples naming a path from the JSON root to the desired element, such as ('action', 3, 'log', '+'), which could be extracted from the original haystack with


However, this is cumbersome. The following functions simplify access.

  • get(haystack, index) returns a reference to the element, given an index (unpacking each level for you).

  • assign(haystack, index, replacement) changes an object in-place (like assignment, but using the tuple-index).

  • assigned(haystack, index, replacement) returns a modified copy of the whole structure without affecting the original.

  • assignAt(pattern, haystack, replacement) performs an in-place assign at every index implied by the pattern.

  • assignedAt(pattern, haystack, replacement) returns an assigned copy at every index implied by the pattern.

  • remove(haystack, index) removes an element at the given index in-place.

  • removed(haystack, index) returns a modified copy of the whole structure without affecting the original.

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