App displays random or specific Chuck Norris joke, you can also impersonate/customize joke and even save it to .txt file. Live demo here.
- This project was a recruitment task for an intership.
- React - version 17.0.2
- TypeScript - version 4.2.4
- Material UI - version 0.20.2
- Material UI Core - version 4.11.4
- Material UI Icons - version 4.11.4
- Axios - version 0.21.1
- Styled-Components - version 5.3.0
- Use Chuck Norris API to get jokes API
- Ability to get a random joke.
- Ability to get a random joke from categories
- Ability to impersonate/customize joke with specific provided text.
- Ability to save provided number of jokes into .txt file.
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
To do:
- Change design of select and option HTML elements
Created by Jakub Mocny - feel free to contact me!