Watch the Latest trending and popular Japanese anime Movies and TV Shows for free in HD in Both English Dubbed, Subbed as well as French subbed built with PHP and TMDB API based on Filmelane design
AnimeOcean uses The Movie Database to get selectively Anime movies and TV Show data. It also uses different free video sources to embed videos for the Anime based on the Tmdb ID. It comes with a live search feature that makes use of AJAX to simultaneously search movies and TV shows and then filters them to only render Animations.
movie.phpfile is responsible for displaying all different movie details based on the submitted movie ID The
tv.phpfile is responsible for displaying all different TV Show details based on the submitted movie ID The
api.phpfile contains the TMDB API class, and you will need to edit it with your own TMDB API.
movies.phpdisplays list of recent movies while the
tvshows.phpis for displaying the TV Show list.
Menu, header and footer files are found in the /include folder.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Git must be installed on your operating system.
To run AnimeOcean locally, run this command on your git bash:
Linux and macOS:
sudo git clone
git clone
This project is free to use and does not contain any license.