An open-source, desktop-size, highly dynamic, 1-DoF linear motion simulator for you to reliably generate and measure linear motion for your experimentation. All components can be sourced easily.
You can mount your sample on the simulator and applied any linear motion you program to it. This setup is optimized for low payload and high acceleration, which is hard to find in commercially available solutions.
video demo (Amplitude: 10 mm, Frequency: 4.5 Hz)
- Raspberry Pi 3B/4B
- Micro controller Teensy 4.0
- AMS rotary encoder AS5045 development board
- 1602 LCD module
- Stepper motor 103H7823-1740 or equivalent
- Motor driver G201X
- MISUMI precision ball screws KUHC1205-340-100
- Emergency stop button
- DC power supply 50-60V
Teensy 4.0 is chosen for it real-time performance in high speed (600 Mhz). It ensures timing critical tasks are not missed, like sending precise pulses for the stepper motor and display synchronization information on the LCD screen.
The raspberry pi is used to log sensor data, in this case the encoder data. Its program is designed in a modular style and additional sensors can be easily added. (The raspberry pi could have done the motor control task by teensy only if the motor speed is low.)
Teensy - realtime controller | Raspberry Pi - high speed data logging |
The programs for the Teensy4.0 and raspberry pi are in the folder /electronics
. It offers
- Customizable sinusoidal oscillation: amplitude, frequency, duration, interval, repetitions, LCD display text.
- Manual control to move the platform.
- Encoder reading in 2 kHz (can be set to other sampling frequencies)
To compile and run the program
sudo ./simulation_actuated
To stop the program, simply press ctrl+c
. The encoder data can be found in the rawData
In case this motion simulator does not generate enough acceleration or stroke for you, you can adapt this framework to your need, such as a manual shaking platform on a linear rail. The rotary encoder AS5045 development board can be replaced with a linear one AS5311 development board.
The Raspberry Pi program for encoder reading is provided too. to compile and run the program
make simulation_manual
sudo ./simulation_manual
The CAD design of this setup can be found in the folder mechanics