Built for OTRS CE v 6.0.x
Send ticket notification to SPECIFIC TELEGRAM GROUP based on Queue upon ticket action. E.g: TicketQueueUpdate
Used CPAN Module: JSON::MaybeXS; #yum install -y perl-JSON-MaybeXS LWP::UserAgent; #yum install -y perl-LWP-Protocol-https HTTP::Request::Common;
A telegram bot must be created by chat with @FatherBot and obtain the token via Telegram.
Update the telegram bot token at System Configuration > TicketTelegramGroup::Token
Update the telegram group chat_id in System Configuration > TicketTelegramGroup::ChatID
Queue 1 Name => Group 1 Telegram Chat ID Example: Misc => 1001186418888 an so on.. Notes: * Add the bot (1) into the your telegram group and start the conversation with the bot first. e.g: /hello @BOT_NAME * By using https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/getUpdates , we can obtain the chat_id of the group
Admin must create a new Generic Agent (GA) with option to execute custom module.
[Mandatory][Name]: Up to you. [Mandatory][Event Based Execution] : Mandatory. Up to you. Example, TicketQueueUpdate for moving ticket to another queue [Optional][Select Ticket]: Optional. Up to you. [Mandatory][Execute Custom Module] : Module => Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketTelegramGroup [Mandatory][Param 1 Key] : Text1 [Mandatory][Param 1 Value] : Text to be sent to the user. [Optional][Param 2 Key] : Text2 [Optional][Param 2 Value] : Additional text to be sent to the user. #Support OTRS ticket TAG only. bold, newline must be in HTML code. #Support <OTRS_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT_UserFullname>, <OTRS_OWNER_UserFullname>, <OTRS_RESPONSIBLE_UserFullname> and <OTRS_CUSTOMER_UserFullname> tag.
To test the connection to telegram,
shell > curl -X GET https://api.telegram.org/bot<TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN>/getMe