Installs WordPress from nothing on smartOS.
This installs and configures the following
- WordPress
Right now this can only do one site, but eventually I'd like to have it do more than one.
MsiteName: site name
MsiteTitle: site title
MsiteProto: ssl for ssl don't include the variable if not ssl
MsiteURL: site url minus the http/s://
MWPinstall: do you want to run the install?
McbReady: cerbot ready. If so it will install certbot and do all of the required things. I would leave this as is or don't put anything until DNS is pinted to your server
This is an example to add into the internal metadata
"MsiteName": "testIT",
"MsiteTitle": "testing",
"MsiteProto": "ssl",
"MsiteURL": "",
"MWPinstall": "yes"
"McbReady": "yes"