BananaPeel is the codename for an Android IRC client.
- IRCv3 support.
- Heavy load support with low resource footprint.
- Client-side scripting.
- Strong security.
- Support for android all the way back to 2.3 (API 9).
You can track the feature support on the TODOs page.
- Android support library: v4 and recyclerview-v7
- LuaJ
You should point the SDK_PATH
environment variable at the Android SDK root directory, and either have the Android build-tools in your path, or point SDK_BUILD_TOOLS
at the directory where they are located.
Paths to dependencies should be put into LIB_JARS
variables respectively, as space-separated lists.
Once that is done, simply run:
You can build the project using the provided Gradle files, or import the project as a Gradle project (via settings.gradle
) in Android Studio.