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Build Qt5 QML interfaces for Julia programs.


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This package provides an interface to Qt5 QML. It uses the CxxWrap package to expose C++ classes. Current functionality allows interaction between QML and Julia using basic numerical and string types, as well as display of PNG images and a very experimental OpenGL rendering element (see example/gltriangle.jl).

QML plots example

OpenGL example


To install, type:


On Linux and macOS, compilation should be automatic, with dependencies installed by the packagemanager or Homebrew.jl. On Windows, binaries are downloaded. To use a non-standard Qt, set the environment variable QT_ROOT to the base Qt directory (the one containing lib and bin on macOS and linux, or the directory containing msvc2015_64 or msvc2015 on Windows).

You can check that the correct Qt version is used using the qt_prefix_path() function.

Raspberry Pi

Because of issues with LLVM library compatibility between the graphics driver on the Raspberry Pi and Julia, QML.jl will only work if you build Julia from source, using the system LLVM version 3.9. Install the llvm-3.9-dev package, and then build Julia with the following Make.user:

override LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-3.9
override USE_SYSTEM_LLVM=1


Loading a QML file

We support three methods of loading a QML file: QQmlApplicationEngine, QQuickView and QQmlComponent. These behave equivalently to the corresponding Qt classes.


The easiest way to run the QML file main.qml from the current directory is using the @qmlapp macro:

using QML
@qmlapp "main.qml"

The QML must have an ApplicationWindow as top component. It is also possible to default-construct the QQmlApplicationEngine and call load to load the QML separately:

qml_engine = init_qmlapplicationengine()
# ...
# set properties, ...
# ...
load(qml_engine, "main.qml")

This is useful to set context properties before loading the QML, for example.

Note we use init_ functions rather than calling the constructor for the Qt type directly. The init methods have the advantage that cleanup (calling delete etc.) happens in C++ automatically. Calling the constructor directly requires manually finalizing the corresponding components in the correct order and has a high risk of causing crashes on exit.


The QQuickView creates a window, so it's not necessary to wrap the QML in ApplicationWindow. A QML file is loaded as follows:

qview = init_qquickview()
set_source(qview, "main.qml")


Using QQmlComponent the QML code can be set from a Julia string wrapped in QByteArray:

qml_data = QByteArray("""
import ...

ApplicationWindow {

qengine = init_qmlengine()
qcomp = QQmlComponent(qengine)
set_data(qcomp, qml_data, "")
create(qcomp, qmlcontext());

# Run the application

Interacting with Julia

Interaction with Julia happens through the following mechanisms:

  • Call Julia functions from QML
  • Read and set context properties from Julia and QML
  • Emit signals from Julia to QML
  • Use data models

Note that Julia slots appear missing, but they are not needed since it is possible to directly connect a Julia function to a QML signal in the QML code (see the QTimer example below).

Calling Julia functions

In Julia, functions are registered using the @qmlfunction macro:

my_function() = "Hello from Julia"
my_other_function(a, b) = "Hi from Julia"

@qmlfunction my_function my_other_function

The macro takes any number of function names as arguments

In QML, include the Julia API:

import org.julialang 1.0

Then call a Julia function in QML using:

Julia.my_other_function(arg1, arg2)

Context properties

The entry point for setting context properties is the root context of the engine, available using the qmlcontext() function. It is defined once the @qmlapp macro or one of the init functions has been called.

@qmlset qmlcontext().property_name = property_value

This sets the QML context property named property_name to value julia_value. Any time the @qmlset macro is called on such a property, QML is notified of the change and updates any dependent values.

The value of a property can be queried from Julia like this:

@qmlget qmlcontext().property_name

At application initialization, it is also possible to pass context properties as additional arguments to the @qmlapp macro:

my_prop = 2.
@qmlapp "main.qml" my_prop

This will initialize a context property named my_prop with the value 2.

Type conversion

Most fundamental types are converted implicitly. Mind that the default integer type in QML corresponds to Int32 in Julia.

We also convert QVariantMap, exposing the indexing operator [] to access element by a string key. This mostly to deal with arguments passed to the QML append function in list models.

Composite types

Setting a composite type as a context property maps the type fields into a JuliaObject, which derives from QQmlPropertyMap. Example:

type JuliaTestType

jobj = JuliaTestType(0.)
@qmlset root_ctx.julia_object = jobj
@qmlset root_ctx.julia_object.a = 2
@test @qmlget(root_ctx.julia_object.a) == 2
@test jobj.a == 2

Access from QML:

import QtQuick 2.0

Timer {
     interval: 0; running: true; repeat: false
     onTriggered: {
       julia_object.a = 1

Emitting signals from Julia

Defining signals must be done in QML in the JuliaSignals block, following the instructions from the QML manual. Example signal with connection:

JuliaSignals {
  signal fizzBuzzFound(int fizzbuzzvalue)
  onFizzBuzzFound: lastFizzBuzz.text = fizzbuzzvalue

The above signal is emitted from Julia using simply:

@emit fizzBuzzFound(i)

There must never be more than one JuliaSignals block in QML

Using data models


The ListModel type allows using data in QML views such as ListView and Repeater, providing a two-way synchronization of the data. The dynamiclist example from Qt has been translated to Julia in example/dynamiclist.jl. As can be seen from this commit, the only required change was moving the model data from QML to Julia, otherwise the Qt-provided QML file is left unchanged.

A ListModel is constructed from a 1D Julia array. In Qt, each of the elements of a model has a series of roles, available as properties in the delegate that is used to display each item. The roles can be added using the addrole function, for example:

julia_array = ["A", 1, 2.2]
myrole(x::AbstractString) = lowercase(x)
myrole(x::Number) = Int(round(x))

array_model = ListModel(julia_array)
addrole(array_model, "myrole", myrole, setindex!)

adds the role named myrole to array_model, using the function myrole to access the value. The setindex! argument is a function used to set the value for that role from QML. This argument is optional, if it is not provided the role will be read-only. The arguments of this setter are collection, new_value, key as in the standard setindex! function.

To use the model from QML, it can be exposed as a context attribute, e.g:

@qmlapp qml_file array_model

And then in QML:

ListView {
  width: 200
  height: 125
  model: array_model
  delegate: Text { text: myrole }

If no roles are added, one default role named string is exposed, calling the Julia function string to convert whatever value in the array to a string.

If new elements need to be constructed from QML, a constructor can also be provided, using the setconstructor method, taking a ListModel and a Julia function as arguments, e.g. just setting identity to return the constructor argument:

setconstructor(array_model, identity)

In the dynamiclist example, the entries in the model are all "fruits", having the roles name, cost and attributes. In Julia, this can be encapsulated in a composite type:

type Fruit

When an array composed only of Fruit elements is passed to a listmodel, setters and getters for the roles and the constructor are all passed to QML automatically, i.e. this will automatically expose the roles name, cost and attributes:

# Our initial data
fruitlist = [
  Fruit("Apple", 2.45, ListModel([Attribute("Core"), Attribute("Deciduous")])),
  Fruit("Banana", 1.95, ListModel([Attribute("Tropical"), Attribute("Seedless")])),
  Fruit("Cumquat", 3.25, ListModel([Attribute("Citrus")])),
  Fruit("Durian", 9.95, ListModel([Attribute("Tropical"), Attribute("Smelly")]))]

# Set a context property with our listmodel
@qmlset qmlcontext().fruitModel = ListModel(fruitlist)

See the full example for more details, including the addition of an extra constructor to deal with the nested ListModel for the attributes.

Using QTimer

QTimer can be used to simulate running Julia code in the background. Excerpts from test/gui.jl:

bg_counter = 0

function counter_slot()
  global bg_counter
  bg_counter += 1
  @qmlset qmlcontext().bg_counter = bg_counter

@qmlfunction counter_slot

timer = QTimer()
@qmlset qmlcontext().bg_counter = bg_counter
@qmlset qmlcontext().timer = timer

Use in QML like this:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import org.julialang 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "My Application"
    width: 480
    height: 640
    visible: true

    Connections {
      target: timer
      onTimeout: Julia.counter_slot()

    ColumnLayout {
      spacing: 6
      anchors.centerIn: parent

      Button {
          Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
          text: "Start counting"
          onClicked: timer.start()

      Text {
          Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
          text: bg_counter.toString()

      Button {
          Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
          text: "Stop counting"
          onClicked: timer.stop()

Note that QML provides the infrastructure to connect to the QTimer signal through the Connections item.


QML.jl provides a custom QML type named JuliaDisplay that acts as a standard Julia multimedia Display. Currently, only the image/png mime type is supported. Example use in QML from the plot example:

JuliaDisplay {
  id: jdisp
  Layout.fillWidth: true
  Layout.fillHeight: true
  onHeightChanged: root.do_plot()
  onWidthChanged: root.do_plot()

The function do_plot is defined in the parent QML component and calls the Julia plotting routine, passing the display as an argument:

function do_plot()
  if(jdisp === null)

  Julia.plotsin(jdisp, jdisp.width, jdisp.height, amplitude.value, frequency.value);

Of course the display can also be added using pushdisplay!, but passing by value can be more convenient when defining multiple displays in QML.

Combination with the REPL

When launching the application using exec, execution in the REPL will block until the GUI is closed. If you want to continue using the REPL with an active QML gui, exec_async provides an alternative. This method keeps the REPL active and polls the QML interface periodically for events, using a timer in the Julia event loop. An example (requiring packages Plots.jl and PyPlot.jl) can be found in example/repl-background.jl, to be used as:


This should display the result of the plotting command in the QML window.


Build Qt5 QML interfaces for Julia programs.








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  • QML 51.9%
  • Julia 48.1%