This is a program with some fundamental operations of Tensorflow. The data used here is mnist.
The fundamental operations include:
- A fully-connected network with 2 layers.
- Separated network definition file ( and train process file (
- Learning rate with expontial decay.
- Expontial moving average of variable.
- Visualization by Tensorboard.
- With/without regularization in loss function.
- Average loss of each batch and each epoch in training process.
- Early Stopping by either iterations or epoches.
- Save the model and parameters.
The following is the content of scalars in Tensorboard. 'epoch_loss' is the average loss of each epoch, 'loss' includes 3 kind of losses of each iteration: cross_entropy loss, l2 loss, loss for mnist(cross_entropy loss + with/without l2 loss)
'layer1_scope' and 'layer2_scope' represent distribution of the weights and bias of the first and second layer, including min, max, mean and stddev. 'learning_rate' is the distribution of learning_rate in each epoch.
cross_entropy loss + with l2 loss:
cross_entropy loss + without l2 loss: