by Maximilian Mrachacz
for IronHack Remote Bootcamp Data Analytics
Finding parameters that (might) have an impact on / drive Temperature Change.
Final Version: New_Version_Temp_Change_and_other
- Python
- Statistical analysis
- Data visualization
- Jupyter Notebook
- Tableau
- Machine Learning (Logistic Regression)
- About the Dataset:
- Data is about Temperature Change and Factors that might be correlated.
- Final Dataset/DataFrame:
- 838 rows × 14 columns
- created by merging 10 sub- tables together
- columns hold exactly the information as what there called
- last two (predicted) columns come from prediction with GradientBoostingRegressor
- tried different models, compared precision, decided on used model
- for prediction, 2 new dataset were created with manufactured data values
- dropping columns
- converting numbers
- merging, renaming
- filling NaNs (mostly by KNeighbor Regression)
- using 3 neighbors
- Saved data as .csv file
Visualization: Tableau
Presentation: Prezi
- The Parameters that were examined suggest correlations with the rise of average temperatures.
- For better prediction result, more Parameters are needed