An over-engineered Makefile
template for my Python projects.
Run curl -fsSL > Makefile
from your root directory
or add get_makefile
alias into your ,bashrc
echo "alias get_makefile='curl -fsSL > ./Makefile'" | tee -a ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Make changes where needed!
Please use `make <target>` where <target> is one of
# ------------------------------------ Boilerplate Code ----------------------------------
boilerplate - Add simple '' and .gitignore
# ------------------------------------ Version Control -----------------------------------
git_init_repo - Create a new git repository and add boilerplate code.
# ------------------------------------ Installations -------------------------------------
dev_venv - Install the package in development mode including all dependencies inside a virtualenv (container).
install_docker - Check if docker and docker-compose exists, if not install them on host
install - Check if package exist, if not install the package
venv - Create virtualenv environment on local directory.
# ------------------------------------ Builds -------------------------------------------
bootstrap - Installs development packages, hooks and generate docs for development
build_docker_image - Build docker image from local Dockerfile.
tag_docker_image - Tag a container before pushing to cam registry.
push_docker_image - Push tagged container to cam registry.
# ------------------------------------Code Style ----------------------------------------
lint_docker_image - Run Dockerfile linter (
lint - Check style with `flake8` and `mypy`
checkmake - Check Makefile style with `checkmake`
formatter - Format style with `black` and sort imports with `isort`
install_hooks - Install `pre-commit-hooks` on local directory [see:]
pre_commit - Run `pre-commit` on all files
# ------------------------------------ Python Packaging ----------------------------------
dist - Builds source and wheel package
# ------------------------------------ Project Execution ---------------------------------
run_in_docker - Run python app in a docker container
get_container_logs - Get logs of running container
run - Run Python app
# ------------------------------------ Deployment ----------------------------------------
deploy_app - Deploy App with Kubernetes manifests
pod_logs - Get logs from all running pods on a defined namespace
port_forward - Forward local ports to a pod in a namespace
pods_status - Check running pods on sandbox namespace
pods_services - Check all running services on pods on sandbox namespace
# ------------------------------------Clean Up ------------------------------------------
clean - Remove all build, test, coverage and Python artefacts
clean_build - Remove build artefacts
clean_docs - Remove docs/_build artefacts, except PDF and singlehtml
clean_pyc - Remove Python file artefacts
clean_test - Remove test and coverage artefacts
clean_docker - Remove docker image
# ------------------------------------ Tests ---------------------------------------------
test - Run tests quickly
# ------------------------------------ Test Coverage --------------------------------------
coverage - Check code coverage quickly with pytest
coveralls - Upload coverage report to
view_coverage - View code coverage
# ------------------------------------ Changelog Generation ----------------------
changelog - Generate changelog for current repo
# ------------------------------------ Documentation Generation ----------------------
complete_docs - Generate a complete Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs.
docs - Generate a single Sphinx HTML documentation, with limited API docs.
pdf_doc - Generate a Sphinx PDF documentation, with limited including API docs. (Optional)