A VC Issuer that can be accessed using OAuth 2.0
- The VC Issuer was created by the ZeroTrustVC project and it is used by the SelectShare project.
- The following publications are based on VC Issuer
- N. Fotiou, E. Faltaka, V. Kalos, A. Kefala, I. Pittaras, V. A. Siris, G. C. Polyzos, "Continuous authorization over HTTP using Verifiable Credentials and OAuth 2.0", in Open Identity Summit 2022 (OID2022), 2022
- N. Fotiou, V. A. Siris, G. C. Polyzos, Y. Kortesniemi, D. Lagutin, "Capabilities-based access control for IoT devices using Verifiable Credentials", in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings), 2022
- N. Fotiou, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, "Capability-based access control for multi-tenant systems using Oauth 2.0 and Verifiable Credentials," Proc. 30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Athens, Greece, July 2021
- It produces "Capabilities" VCs that describe the operations that a VC holder can perform over the resources of a protected endpoint.
- It supports JWT-encoded VCs
- It can be accessed using standard OAuth 2.0.
- Clients can specify the key to be included in a VC using either DPoP or RAR, and they can specify a DID to be included in a VC using RAR.
The VC issuer is implemented as .net 6 web application. Additionally, it requires a MySQL database for storing information related to clients, resources, operations, and authorizations.
Edit the appsettings.json
file and add a connection string for the MySQL database. For example:
Additionally you need to specify in appsettings.json
a JSON web key that can
be used for singing tokens. You can generate such a jwk in python using jwcrypto
and the following script
from jwcrypto import jwt, jwk, jws
key = jwk.JWK.generate(kty='EC', crv='P-256')
print (key.export(as_dict=True))
For example:
"jwk": "{'kty': 'EC', 'kid': 'bZll1NPj1dEI1qmcgM1fML0pszfHxjvfD-psfjY4K50', 'crv': 'P-256', 'x': 'sCp_6IGfDeom0_9TxtLC_4elxsyOe6WLMpRYZDcvNtk', 'y': 'iwgCFXsk5yDXRvoCxMdkzTCI-uGm5lOA8c6zfMPsHi0', 'd': '...'}",
Finally, you have to specify in appsettings.json
your issuer identifier (e.g., the
URL of your issuer).
NOTE The following will delete any existing tables.
From the project folder run:
dotnet ef database update
If ef
is not available, install it using the command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
The following SQL statements can be used as test data (it is assumed that the created tables are empty).
INSERT INTO endpoint (ID, Name, URI) VALUES ('1', 'Cloud Storage', 'https://www.example.com/cloud');
INSERT INTO client (ID, Name, ClientId, ClientSecret) VALUES ('1', 'Test wallet','wallet','qwerty');
INSERT INTO resource (ID, Name, URI, EndpointID) VALUES ('1','Folders in Cloud Storage', 'Folder','1');
INSERT INTO operation (ID, Name, URI, ResourceID) VALUES ('1','List items', 'List','1');
INSERT INTO authorization (ID, ClientID, OperationID) VALUES ('1','1', '1');
You can open the source code in Visual Studio or you can use .net sdk to compile it. Instructions for compiling and running the project follow. In order to compile the source code, from the project folder execute:
dotnet build
In order to run the compiled file, from the project folder execute:
dotnet run
If you have used the provided SQL commands for filling the database with
test records, you can test that everything works by requesting a token using
the following curl
curl --insecure -i -u wallet:qwerty -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" http://localhost:5000/oauth2/issue/mmlab
VC issuer should be installed behind a proxy, which will support HTTPS (see for example the instructions here).
You can use vc-issuer-gui for managing VC issuer.