You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 4
There's a few approaches you can take to monitoring. This is not a comprehensive list, but should support most devices you wish to monitor.
- General tips
- HTML/API scraping (via jq and pup)
- Ping
- SSH (secure shell)
- SNMP (simple network management protocol)
Because monitor scripts may have a large number of moving parts, consider using safe shell scripting techniques to ensure that any failure of any kind will return an error code.
In addition set -x
can be useful to print all commands that run as part of a monitor script. These are available in the logging endpoints and will
show you the expansion of environment variables.
set -xeuf -o pipefail
As monitor scripts using metadata can be somewhat tricky to get right, Stylus includes a --test
command-line argument to allow you to develop
your test script in a slightly more interactive manner. The output from --test
will include the test script's stdout and stderr streams, plus the
parsed monitor state as JSON, and the final rendered CSS.
Some devices can be tested using a simple cURL script:
curl --silent --max-time 2 <url>
In other cases you may want to scrape HTML. The pup
tool is included in the docker image to make this easier. You can use the json{}
filter to pass
a pre-processed HTML DOM tree to jq
for further processing.
This example scrapes the power state from a Web Power Switch 7:
set -euf -o pipefail
function fetch() {
curl --silent --max-time 2 --basic -u <credentials> <url> \
| pup -c "table table tr[bgcolor=#F4F4F4] json{}" \
| jq "[.[] | [.children | .. | .text? | select(. != null)] | { \"name\": .[1], \"state\": (.[2]==\"ON\") }]"
until [ "$n" -ge 10 ]
HTML=`fetch` && break
echo $HTML | \
jq -r -e ". | to_entries | .[] | \"@@STYLUS@@ group.power-\" + (.key + 1 | tostring) + \".status.status=\" + if .value.state then \"\\\"green\\\"\" else \"\\\"blank\\\"\" end"
The simplest monitor is a ping script. One ping is usually enough for most cases. You can pass a timeout to ping, but Stylus will automatically kill processes if they run too long.
ping -c 1 ${STYLUS_MONITOR_ID}
SNMP is a useful way to write more complex checks, but the output of the tools requires some massaging.
snmp_check () {
local host="$STYLUS_MONITOR_ID"
ARR=`snmpbulkwalk -OsQ -c public $host ifTable`
jq -n --arg inarr "${ARR}" '[$inarr | split("\n")
| .[]
| capture("(?<key>[^\\.]+)\\.(?<idx>\\d+)\\s+=\\s+(?<value>.*)")
] | group_by(.idx) | .[] | from_entries'
# Some legacy devices only respond to SNMP v1
snmp_v1_check () {
local host="$STYLUS_MONITOR_ID"
ARR=`snmpwalk -v1 -OsQ -c public $host ifTable`
jq -n --arg inarr "${ARR}" '[$inarr | split("\n")
| .[]
| capture("(?<key>[^\\.]+)\\.(?<idx>\\d+)\\s+=\\s+(?<value>.*)")
] | group_by(.idx) | .[] | from_entries'
snmp_parse () {
cat - | jq -r '
# Only parse ethernet ports and omit anything that looks like a vlan port (ending with a .xxxx)
select(.ifType=="ethernetCsmacd" and (.ifDescr | test("\\.\\d+$") | not))
| "@@STYLUS@@ group.'$STYLUS_MONITOR_ID'-"
+ .ifIndex
+ ".status.status="
+ (if .ifOperStatus == "up" then "\"green\"" else "\"blank\"" end)'
# Map the SNMP JSON output to @@STYLUS@@ metadata updates
snmp_check | snmp_parse
Depending on your security requirements, you may wish to loosen some of your SSH client's security check requirements. By disabling strict host key checking and host IP checking, your monitors will be more reliable but there will be some tradeoffs.
ssh <...> -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no
To make your life easier, you can collect all of your SSH credentials in a configuration file. The examples in this section will assume you've got a central SSH configuration file.
host pi-*
User matt
host tower
User root
host unifi-*
User admin
host *
IdentityFile /srv/ssh_id_rsa
# Assumes that `ssh_config` lives in the same folder as this script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
ssh_check () {
local host="$STYLUS_MONITOR_ID"
ssh -F $SSH_CONFIG $host -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no "true"
# Assumes that `ssh_config` lives in the same folder as this script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
ssh_check () {
local host="$STYLUS_MONITOR_ID"
ssh -F $SSH_CONFIG $host -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no \
"uname -a && uptime && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i -E '(hardware|model|stepping|revision)' | sort | uniq"