Welcome to the repository for the class B9122 (PhD) Computing for Business Research.
This course split into two sections after lecture 6 and assignment 3: the morning section comprised Finance and Economics students (MSFE); the afternoon section comprised Accounting and Fundamental Analysis (MSAFA) and Marketing students (MSM).
Here you can find all the material for the class (except for lecture slides, which are on Canvas or on a Google Drive):
1 admin
contains policies, the grading standards, guides for PyCharm and Gradescope, and the now-defunct system to mark attendance by email. -
2 lectures
contains sample code and input data used in lectures (but NOT lecture slides) -
3 assignments
contains assignments 1-5, with solutions -
4 exams
contains the midterm and final exams, with solutions
The hidden folder .images
contains images used in several places in the repository.
Autograder is an important feature of this course: you submit your code, and my code grades your code. To try it, create a free account on gradescope.com and provide entry code PY8YXN
. You'll be able to submit code to the practice assessments (assignments and exams) and get immediate feedback on your code.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Miguel Morin