Version 2.3.0
New features
- all nonbonded interactions can be tabulated
- custom molecule-molecule thresholds and satellite groups for
move (f976cdd) - center of mass option in
- periodic, hexagon prism container (#116)
- isochoric moves for cylinder and hexagon
- molecule selection for xtc trajectory output
- added group/particle vector check to
analysis cluster
move analysis include size distribution (a2ee06f)- added
potential for arbitrary external potentials - GCMC works for molecular groups
- shell progress bar shows total runtime (b222d68)
- stockmayer example and anisotropic particles are operational (#135)
- readthedocs documentation (#148)
- controlled info and log support via the spdlog library (#164, #160)
- Hertz pair potential (#119)
- Electrostatics through the CoulombGalore library.
Internal changes and fixes
- refactored pair potential self-energies (#138)
- consistent control of mixing rules for LJ, WCA, hardsphere, Hertz, squarewell (#159)
- fix for on-the-fly sasa calculation (#101)
: optionally check also for inactive particles; unittests- fixed unit on Cv calculation in
analysis - faster
move by skipping internal cluster energy - openmp optimizations
- unknown atom given in custom LJ now force program abort
- geometry refactoring
- overall refactoring to reduce partial compile times
- fixed stability of virtual volume move (#151)