Nagios/icinga check for monitoring public ip address of Apple Time Capsule.
Copyright © 2013, Markus Liljedahl <>
In your Nagios plugins directory run
git clone
Perl modules:
- Socket
- Nagios::Plugin
Edit your commands.cfg and add the following:
define command {
command_name check_timecapsule_public_ip
command_line $USER1$/check_timecapsule_public_ip -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C '$ARG1$' -S '$ARG2$'
By default it uses the address defined for the host and for SNMP it uses public community version 2.
define service{
use generic-service
host_name timecapsule
service_description Public IP
check_command check_timecapsule_public_ip
Code | Status | Description |
0 | OK | No IP change, same IP address as before |
1 | WARNING | No old IP to compare with, can't determine if the IP address have changed or not |
2 | CRITICAL | Public IP address have changed |
3 | UNKNOWN | Invalid command line arguments were supplied to the plugin or low-level failures |
check_timecapsule_public_ip is licensed under the BSD License.