Implementation of Conway's Game of Life with broadcasting. In addition, created 10x10 Keras model for the game.
Files Included:
- : Main script for command-line running of the game.
- : Object class for the game.
- : Utility methods for pickling and unpickling game board-states
- : Test cases for pickling utilities
- : Test cases for the main Conway's Game of Life scripts
- : Object class for Keras model for Conway's Game of Life. Also includes scripts for generating and querying 10x10 boards.
External Libraries Used:
- numpy
- keras
- tensorflow
To run the game, please use "" with the following command-line arguments:
-f [string]: Filepath of a single input instance (.pkl).
-o [string]: Filepath of a single output instance (.pkl).
-n [integer]: Number of generations.
-v [bool]: Verbosity of functions (optional).
python -f "conway_cl_test1.pkl" -o "conway_out_test1.pkl" -n 3 -v False
To run tests, please just run the relevant test scripts.
For the Keras Model:
- This is my first time using Keras, and my first time making a neural-network.
- I decided on a Convolutional Neural Network using 2D convolutions since the board state is a 2D board.
- For hyper-parameters, I didn't tune many of them, but rather settled on many default values from Keras documentation: batch_size = 32 (default) epochs = 3 (just to be safe, but for 10x10 2-epochs seems sufficient) filters = 32 (default) kernel_size = (3,3) as the neighborhood around each cell strides = 1 (much simpler than my non-ML implementation!) padding = "same" (in order to ensure output matches input) activation = "relu" (rectified linear unit) Note: I'm not sure what the differences are, I honestly just used the suggestion in the first resource link below.
- In terms of the neural network architecture, I have three layers:
- Conv2D layer for spatial convolution over the board-states
- 32-dimension hidden layer (densely-connected)
- Output layer (dense) with sigmoidal activation.
- A model for 10x10 game boards is saved under "conway_keras_model_10x10.h5".
The main script in the "" file trains a model and then queries for 20 iterations to test adherence to ground-truth. - For training purposes, I created a function that generated n-sized data-sets.
For each of these, I used my standard Conway game to calculate ground-truth values for the subsequent generation. Then, I determined how to split up the values into training sets, validation sets, and testing sets. I followed the rule-of-thumb of 60-40 splits, with a final 10% reserved for testing.
Resources Used: