From a code challenge:
Create an auto-suggest input field where the user would type at least 3 letters of a Hacker News story title and display the available stories in a dropdown list.
- Use HackerNews API
- Render decorative search button
- Fetches and displays the first 20 stories from HackerNews (, sorted by relevance.
- Displays points, author and comments for each story.
- Uses custom debouncing hook to limit requests.
- Implements simple caching mechanism using the localStorage API. Each keyword:results pair is stored.
- Results arrow navigation.
- Download and install the latest LTS version of Node.js.
- Open a terminal in "problem_2" directory and run 'npm install', to install all the necessary node modules.
- When finished run 'npm start' to start the development server.
- Open a browser and visit 'localhost:3000'.
- Open a terminal in "problem_2" directory and run "npm run-script build".
- Once project building is finished, run "npm install -g serve" to install a local static file server.
- Run "serve -s build" to start the app.
- Visit localhost:5000 (see instructoins in terminal).