These repository contains BPSK, BFSK, QPSK, MPSK, (4,8,16)-QAM, hamming distance based decoder, syndrome based decoder, rayleigh fadding, diversity approaches for improving SNR in wireless communication and alamouti code in cpp. For plotting the BER vs SNR plot use gnuplot.
C++ is faster and efficient than matlab and python. Many a times, students uses python and MATLAB for analysis of communication systems. Without knowing what is going on inside the black box (a inbuilt function). In this repository, a try has been made to design every thing from scratch.
Through this repo, anybody can understand all basic communication system analysis and algorithms in c++. It requires only fundamentals of communication system design as prerequisite.
I personally believe that this repo will be help for c++ lover and communication engineers as well as students. Any further optimazation and improvement is highly appreciable. Any addition of new algorithms and techniques are weclome.
- MQAM (4,8,16)
- Hamming distance based decoder
- Syndrome based decoder
- Rayleigh fadding channel
- Selection gain Diversity
- Equal gain Diversity
- Maximum gain Diversity
- Alamouti code
In each content, data is stored in the .dat file format. After that, one can use any platform like MATLAB, OCTAVE or gnuplot for plotting the data or generating the plots. In this repo, gnuplot has been choosen as plotting tool.
After this, output is following plot