develop by
This Application based on Use CmdOS V0.1.0
This is a ESP32 based Applciation to display information via HUB75 Matrix display.
It a christmas projet inspired by eely-HoDi Make Articel
Display images as a pixel frame
draw alarm sign alarm.cmd
draw toilet sign signToilet.cmd
draw fire and exit sign fireAndExit.cmd
washer example wash.cmd
(e.g. use by read $m from tasmota or shelly plug and show wash if acutal power > 10 and done if actual power < 5)
Next please in room X room.cmd
Display power values of a shelly EM (via MQTT)
mqttAttr shellies/shellyem3/emeter/0/power 1
mqttAttr shellies/shellyem3/emeter/1/power 1
mqttAttr shellies/shellyem3/emeter/2/power 1
drawColor 15 15 15
drawText 5 1 1 "Shelly EM"
drawColor 15 0 0
valueFull 1 12 "Power0" $shellies/shellyem3/emeter/0/power 1000 888 444
valueFull 1 30 "Power1" $shellies/shellyem3/emeter/1/power 1000 888 444
valueFull 1 47 "Power2" $shellies/shellyem3/emeter/2/power 1000 888 444
wait 2000
goto #loop
- Hardware install and config
- matrix commands
- web control
- mqtt control
- rest control
- autostart and timer
- multi display
- CmdOS Commands
matrix 64 64 1 90 0 0,15,4,16,27,17,5,18,19,21,12,33,25,22
matrix2 0 1 1 0
If you use/like this project please (a good choise is 1Euro per ESP a year ;-)
a project - develop by