I'm able to build with > mkdocs build --clean --config-file ./docs/mkdocs.yml
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Building documentation to directory: /home/{path}/{package}/docs/site
ERROR - mkdocstrings: src.spyglass.settings could not be found
ERROR - Error reading page 'api/settings.md':
ERROR - Could not collect 'src.{package}.settings'
Aborted with a BuildError! The verbose build log suggests it errors out on the first casemkdocs build -v --clean --config-file ./docs/mkdocs.yml
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{'Merge Tables': 'notebooks/03_Merge_Tables.ipynb'}, {'Config Populate':
'notebooks/04_PopulateConfigFile.ipynb'}, {'Export': 'notebooks/05_Export.ipynb'}]}, {'Spikes':
[{'Spike Sorting V0': 'notebooks/10_Spike_SortingV0.ipynb'}, {'Spike Sorting V1':
'notebooks/10_Spike_SortingV1.ipynb'}]}, {'Position': [{'Position Trodes':
'notebooks/20_Position_Trodes.ipynb'}, {'DLC Models': 'notebooks/21_DLC.ipynb'}, {'Looping
DLC': 'notebooks/22_DLC_Loop.ipynb'}, {'Linearization': 'notebooks/24_Linearization.ipynb'}]},
{'LFP': [{'LFP': 'notebooks/30_LFP.ipynb'}, {'Theta': 'notebooks/31_Theta.ipynb'}, {'Ripple
Detection': 'notebooks/32_Ripple_Detection.ipynb'}]}, {'Decoding': [{'Extracting Waveforms':
'notebooks/40_Extracting_Clusterless_Waveform_Features.ipynb'}, {'Decoding Clusterless':
'notebooks/41_Decoding_Clusterless.ipynb'}, {'Decoding Sorted Spikes':
'notebooks/42_Decoding_SortedSpikes.ipynb'}]}, {'MUA Detection':
'notebooks/50_MUA_Detection.ipynb'}]}, {'Miscellaneous': [{'Overview': 'misc/index.md'},
{'FigURL': 'misc/figurl_views.md'}, {'Session Groups': 'misc/session_groups.md'}, {'Insert
Data': 'misc/insert_data.md'}, {'Mixin': 'misc/mixin.md'}, {'Merge Tables':
'misc/merge_tables.md'}, {'Database Management': 'misc/database_management.md'}, {'Export':
'misc/export.md'}]}, {'API Reference': 'api/'}, {'How to Contribute': 'contribute.md'},
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DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here: './docs/overrides/locales'
DEBUG - Looking for translations for locale 'en'
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here: './docs/overrides/locales'
DEBUG - Looking for translations for locale 'en'
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here:
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DEBUG - mkdocstrings: Added a subdued autorefs instance <mkdocs_autorefs.plugin.AutorefsPlugin object
at 0x7a9abd3f9b20>
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DEBUG - mkdocs_autorefs: Adding AutorefsExtension to the list
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Building documentation to directory: /home/cb/wrk/spyglass/docs/site
DEBUG - Looking for translations for locale 'en'
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here:
DEBUG - No translations found here: './docs/overrides/locales'
DEBUG - Running `files` event from plugin 'exclude'
DEBUG - Running `files` event from plugin 'mike'
DEBUG - Running `files` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `files` event from plugin 'literate-nav'
DEBUG - Navigation for 'api' based on 'api/navigation.md'.
DEBUG - Running `nav` event from plugin 'literate-nav'
DEBUG - Reading markdown pages.
DEBUG - Reading: index.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: LICENSE.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: contribute.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: installation.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: api/index.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: api/navigation.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'gen-files'
DEBUG - Running `page_content` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - Reading: api/settings.md
DEBUG - Running `page_markdown` event from plugin 'autorefs'
DEBUG - mkdocstrings: Matched '::: src.spyglass.settings'
DEBUG - mkdocstrings: Using handler 'python'
DEBUG - mkdocstrings: Collecting data
DEBUG - griffe: Found src: loading
DEBUG - griffe: Loading path
DEBUG - griffe: Loading path
DEBUG - griffe: Loading path
DEBUG - griffe: Iteration 1 finished, 0 aliases resolved, still 0 to go
ERROR - mkdocstrings: src.spyglass.settings could not be found
ERROR - Error reading page 'api/settings.md':
ERROR - Could not collect 'src.spyglass.settings'
Aborted with a BuildError! I see in the release notes for StackOverflow seems to be out of date on this, with posts about much older versions. Not where to start to turn this into a MRE for a bug report. If it helps, this is the repo I'm working on |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 2 comments 2 replies
Hello, yes since 1.9.1 mkdocstrings-python does not try to find packages using relative paths, as it caused issues for others and was never officially supported (we specify objects dotted-path, not file paths after See https://mkdocstrings.github.io/python/usage/#finding-modules to learn how to properly configure the Python handler for it to find your sources :) |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Thanks for the link! I've tried configuring my To clarify - this is about mkdocstrings finding the module. Relative paths within my module shouldn't impact the process, yeah? Thanks again! |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
If you added
to thepaths
setting, now try removingsrc.
from the autodoc instructions:::
, i.e.::: your.pkg
instead of::: src.your.pkg