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Debugging not working wifi

mkaluza edited this page Dec 21, 2014 · 1 revision

All the stuff below has to be done via adb as root. Copy/paste all commands, because all the quotes there are important and it's easy to make a mistake.

check that all modules have 644 permissions (rw-r--r--), if not, change them and reboot before continuing.

cd /system/lib/modules
ls -l
chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/*

If permissions are fine, do


It should say something similar to this. If nothing is shown, continue anyway (but tell me about it).

bthid 4267 0 - Live 0x00000000
param 10593 0 - Live 0x00000000 (P)
j4fs 66945 1 - Live 0x00000000 (P)

insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko

It should not return an error and lsmod should then contain a line similar to this

dhd 430856 0 - Live 0x00000000

if however it return some error, send it to me along with the output of this command

insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko; dmesg | tail -n 20

If so far everything is fine, it's time for hacky stuff now ;)
Remove the module first

rmmod dhd
mkdir /tmp/strace
cd /proc/`pidof system_server`/task
for p in `grep -i wifi */comm | cut  -f 1 -d '/'`; do 
 n=`cat $p/comm`; strace -tt -p $p -o/tmp/strace/${n}.strace& 

then tap wifi button in quick settings at least twice (not too fast - wait at least 1 sec) and then

killall strace
zip -r /mnt/sdcard/ /tmp/strace

if you want to look for an error, do

cd /tmp/strace
grep "= -" *.strace

this will show all failed syscals with (hopefully) some useful info. If it helps you solve the problem, than ok (share it here), if not, continue

mkdir /tmp/strace2
strace -ff -tt -p `pidof system_server` -o /tmp/strace2/system_server

tap the wifi button as before and press Ctrl-C to kill the command above

zip -r /mnt/sdcard/ /tmp/strace2

Mail me (mk at both wifi.strace*.zip files from the root of your internal memory.

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