Modified version of Adafruids archvived ILI9341 (from library with multiple extensions/adjustments ported only for Raspberry Pi. The library has some performance improvements compared to the original one.
- Optional: Activate your Python virtual environment you want to use.
- Clone the reporitory (e.g. to your project path) and enter the newly created directory.
- Run
pip install .
The sources will be cytonized, compiled and then installed. So you need a C compiler for installation. Alternatively you can adjust and remove the cytonize part.
- spidev
- numpy
- pillow
Unlike the original Adafruit_Python_ILI9341 library, this library only has a display method which expects a pillow image object and optional a window where to paint the passed image.
from ILI9341 import ILI9341
disp = ILI9341(
port = 0, # propably 0 (primary SPI / SPI0)
cs = 0, # cs 0 / 1 from spidev or a pin number
dc = 20, # data / command pin
rst = 26, # reset pin
disp.set_rotation(1)'RGBA', disp.width, disp.height)
# display with window / partial update'RGBA', (20, 20) )
disp.display(image, (100, 50, 120 - 1, 70 - 1))
- Replaced adafruits SPI/GPIO and replaced it with spidev/RPi.GPIO.
- Uses spidev.writebytes2 which accept large lists and accepts numpy arrays, which offers much better performance (according to
- Therefore removed any coding for transforming the numpy array to a list.
- Possibility to pass a window into display function to allow partial redraws.
- Ported display rotation functionality from Adafruits Arduino ILI9341 library.
- Added functionality for enabling / disabling the display.
- Disabling means switching the display of and send it to sleep, and vice versa.
- Added a software reset, if the reset pin is not passed. But it is highly recommended to connect the reset pin.
- Experimental backlight functionality:
- Unfortunately, I cannot test the backlight functionality because the backlight of my module is directly hard wired to a pin and not to the ILI9341. But this is propably the case for most modules. But I left my experimental coding in anyway.
- Improved internal functions a bit