Monitoring script for getting the actual host location from GeoIP2-City and expose it to Zabbix.
$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make
This program works with the commercial and the lite version of the GeoIP2-City Database. You can choose which one to use.
For Zabbix 4.2 here
$ ./geoip2_zabbix <flags>
Using zabbix UserParameters, you can call geoip2_zabbix from linux or windows,
You can build geoip2_zabbix for linux running simply make
, and then add
this UserParameter to your zabbix-agent
UserParameter=geoip2.zabbix,/pathtobinary/geoip2_zabbix --path.geoipdb=/pathtodb/GeoIPCityV2.mmdb
You can crossbuild geoip2_zabbix for windows on linux running simply make crossbuild
, and then add
this UserParameter to your zabbix-agent
UserParameter=geoip2.zabbix,PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command " & 'C:\PathToBinary\geoip2_zabbix.exe' --path.geoipdb=C:\PathToDB\GeoIPCityV2.mmdb"
Refer to
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.