UnoBot is an IRC bot that is written in java. It has a pircbotx back end so it's easy to change settings. The bot connects to an IRC server/channel and allows members of the channel to play a game of uno. It also has an AI so it can play too.
- You must have Java 1.7 JDK or higher installed.
- The Java bin folder must be in your classpath if you are running windows.
- Maven
- open the config.ini file
- edit the values appropriately
- run
mvn package
(you will have to cd to UnoBot's directory) - run
using thejava -jar ./target/UnoBot-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Server - if no value given it will default to localhost
Port - if no value given it will default to 6667
Channel - the channel the bot connects to default to #uno
Nick - if no value given it will default to unoBot
AINick - if no value given it will default to unoAI
BotOps - if no value given it will default to null
this should be a list separated by ',' and no spaces.
the first user in this list should be the owner.
UpdateScript - if an BotOps in the channel says "!update"
this script will run. if using a 'nix shell script
a "./" may be required.
ScoreBoardFileName - the name of the file you want the
score board to be saves to so when the unoBot exits
it will still keep everyones score. If no value given it
default to "ScoreBoard.dat"
SSL - set this to true if you would like the bot to connect to
the server using an SSL connection. The default is false.
Token - change the default token from '!' to whatever you want.
e.g. for the default token you type !uno but if token
was changed to '?' then you would type ?uno
nickSrvPasswd - password to authenticate against NICKSERV
serverPasswd - the password for IRC server
webIRCPasswd - the password of WEBIRC connection
aiNickSrvPasswd - password to authenticate against NICKSERV for the uno AI
aiServerPasswd - the password for IRC server for the uno AI
aiWebIRCPasswd - the password of WEBIRC connection for the uno AI
Once the bot has connected you can type any of the following commands.
!uno ------ Starts an new UNO game.
!uno +a --- Attack Mode: When you drwa, there is a 20% chance
that you will be UNO attacked and have to draw anywhere
from 0 - 7 cards
!uno +e --- Extreme Mode: This inserts twice as many special cards
into the deck! Special cards include:
R, S, D2, W, & WD4
!uno +e +a Enables both Extreme and Attack mode
!join ----- Joins an existing UNO game.
!deal ----- Deals out the cards to start an UNO game.
but only the person that started the game can deal
!play ----- Plays a card (!play <color> <face>)
to play a RED FIVE !play r 5
!wait ----- Stops your turn timer
!showcards Shows you your hand. (!hand)
!draw ----- Draws a card when you don't have a playable card.
!pass ----- If you don't have a playable card after you draw
then you pass.
!unocount ---- Show how many cards each player has.
!leave ---- If you're a fagot and want to leave the game early.
!what ----- If you were not paying attention this will tell
you the top card and whos turn it is.
!players -- Displays the player list.
!score ---- Prints out the score board.
!ai ------- Turns the bot ai on or off.
!endgame -- Ends the game, only the person who started the
game may end it.
!tell ----- Tell an offline user a message once they join the channel.
!messages - List all of the people that have messages.
!unohelp -- This stuff.
!rank ----- Shows all users win:lose ratio
!nick ----- Tells the bot to change his nick.
!joinc ---- Tells the bot to join a channel.
!part ----- Tells the bot to part from a channel.
!quit ----- Tells the bot to disconnect from the entire server.
!resetSB -- resets the Score Board.