Configuration • Getting started • Extensions • License
This file explains how to create Geoserver layers (FeatureTypes & Coverages) for publishing map services and their metadata according to OGC standards using a library for spatial data management in Geoserver and sqlalchemy
libraries for loading into PostGIS database.
- Linux/Windows 64 bit system
- Map server Geoserver available.
- PostgreSQL-PostGIS database available. [Optional]
- The code compiles with Python 3. The required libraries can be found in
Tested successfully with Python 3.7.9
The necessary steps to configure the environment and install the libraries are as follows. First create the virtual environment (venv
) where it will run (or replace whoami
with the desired user name if you create for example one for ckan
# Linux
cd /my/path
git clone
cd /geopostgis_manager
sudo chown `whoami` /geopostgis_manager
python3 -m venv .env # sudo apt-get install python3-venv
. .env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Windows (CMD)
cd /my/path
git clone
cd /geopostgis_manager/
python -m venv .env
.env/Scripts/activate.bat # CMD || .env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Powershell
pip install install -r requirements.txt
You can use the following code to generate arequirements.txt
# Into virtualenv (.env) cd /path/to/project (.env) pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Before running the harvester, located in/src/geopostgis-manager/
, the parameters of the configuration file/config.yml
must be updated as described in the following section.
Sample config.yml
# Bundle ID [Mandatory]
- bundle_id: 'test_bundle'
# DB connection parameters [Mandatory]
db_endpoint: PostGIS Test
db_type: postgres
db_host: localhost
db_port: '5432'
db_dbname: testdb
db_username: user
db_password: password
db_active: True
# Geoserver Parameters [Mandatory]
geo_endpoint: Localhost Server Test
geo_datastore: testdb
# geo_workspace Overrides ogc_workspace in dataset table. If not put: Null
geo_workspace: test
geo_username: admin
geo_password: password
geo_srid: 3857
geo_active: True
# Dataset documentation details by bundle [Mandatory]
# Bundle ID [Mandatory]
- bundle_id: 'test_bundle'
db_datasets_mode: False
db_datasets_doc_table: 'public.datasets'
datasets_doc_path: '/srv/data/datasets_doc.csv'
date: 2002-12-12
# Schema in which the tables with the spatial data will be stored. Default: public
output_schema: public
# Field names [Mandatory]
field_name: titulo
field_publisher: distribuidor
field_identifier: nombre_capa
field_path: ruta_p
field_srid: srid
field_carto_type: carto_type
# Field names [Optional]
field_sld: sld
field_metadata_url: url_metadatos
field_description: resumen
field_ogc_workspace: workspace_ogc
field_creator: propietario
# Loader publisher
publisher: Tragsatec
# Config [Mandatory]
# Execute software with multicore parallel processing
parallelization: True
# If needed, proxy socks5/http (http-https)
proxy_socks5: 'socks5://user:pass@host:port'
proxy_http: 'http://user:pass@host:port'
# Loading modes
load_to_db: False
load_to_geoserver: True
Basic information about the map server (Geoserver) on which the new layers are to be created, and the DB that will be used to store them, in the case of vector data (FeatureTypes
). For raster data (Coverages
), these can be created as layers in Geoserver, but are stored locally in directories on the server.
, str: Bundle identifier, one per geoserver-postgis info (ej. test_bundle
, str: Descriptive name of the server. (ej.PostGIS Test
, str: Type of the database. Currently supported:postgres
, str: URL of the Database (ej.localhost
, str: Port of the Database (ej.5432
, strdb_username
, strdb_password
, strgeo_active
, bool: Whether the endpoint is active for data upload to the endpoint. Value:True
, str: Descriptive name of the server. (ej.Geoserver IEPNB
, str: Name of the Geoserver datastore (datastore
) from which the elements will be requested.geo_url
, url: URL del Geoserver (ej.
, str: Name of the Geoserver workspace (workspace
) to which the elements will be uploaded.geo_username
, str: Geoserver admin username.geo_password
, str: Geoserver admin password.geo_srid
, int: Geoserver default EPSG code.geo_active
, bool: Whether the endpoint is active for data upload to the endpoint. Value:True
Parameters needed to define the database table
containing the basic information about the datasets to be loaded into the DB and/or Geoserver.
, str: Bundle identifier, one per geoserver-postgis info (ej. test_bundle
- Database:
, bool: Source of the dataset table.False
: Physical file in a directory (CSV
: Database table.db_datasets_doc_table
, str:schema
containing the dataset information. (ej.public.datasets
, str: Filepath of theCSV
, date: Date of the documentation.output_schema
, str: Base schema where the files loaded into the database will be stored.field_name
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset name.field_publisher
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset publisher.field_identifier
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset identifier.field_path
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset filepath.field_srid
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset SRID.field_carto_type
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset carto type.vector
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset sld filepath.field_metadata_url
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset metadata url.field_description
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset description.field_ogc_workspace
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset Geoserver workspace.field_creator
, str: Dataset field name of the dataset creator.publisher
, str: Name of the Datasets publisher.
, bool: Execute software with multicore parallel processing. Value:True
, str: SOCKS5 proxy URL loads only.socks5://user:pass@host:port
, str: HTTP proxy URL loads only.http://user:pass@host:port
, bool: Load datasets into the database. Value:True
, bool: Load datasets into the Geoserver. Value:True
Example of CKAN harvester execution:
# Linux
. /my/path/geopostgis_manager/.env/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=/my/path/geopostgis_manager/src
python3 /my/path/geopostgis_manager/src/geopostgis-manager/
# Windows
.env\Scripts\activate.bat # CMD || env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Powershell
python /my/path/geopostgis_manager/src/geopostgis-manager/
Generate the
and select the Python interpreter from its path withCTRL+Shift+P
>Python: Select interpeter
). -
Modify the
configuration: Visual Studio Code debug configuration:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Current File",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,
"cwd": "${fileDirname}",
"env": {"PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}${env:PYTHONPATH}"}
This material is open and licensed under the MIT License whose full text may be found at: