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This repository stores my contribution to the project "g-2 vs LHC Run2",

M. Endo, K. Hamaguchi, S. Iwamoto, T. Kitahara, Muon g-2 vs LHC Run 2 in Supersymmetric Models, arXiv:2001.11025.


© Sho Iwamoto, 2019-2020

Documents written by me (Sho Iwamoto) is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0 International Public License. Program codes writen by me is licensed under the MIT License.

Note that this repository also includes a draft for publication, external packages, etc., for which, needless to say, copyright notes and licenses are specified elsewhere. Contact me for further inquiry.


  • vendor directory is a special directory, which stores external packages; the usage is described below.
  • notes directory has internal [1] notes; all notes (i.e., TeX documents) should be stored here.
  • spectrum directory contains SLHA spectrum used in the analysis.
  • xs directory stores codes and data related to production cross sections.
  • lhc directory stores codes and data related to ATLAS and CMS analyses.
  • plots directory stores figures for internal notes, the manuscript, and codes to generate them. TeX files in notes directory have links to the files in this directory so that daily updates are instantly reflected in the notes; hence modification to the files here should be carefully done.
[1]But become public (as well as the other files) after publication.

Vendor directory

The codes in this repository depend on various external packages and tools, which are currently categorized as pip tools and submodule tools. pip tools are for Python codes and can be installed by pip command:

pip install -r vendor/requirements.txt

However, this command binds the packages to your whole system. If you are not confident on what you are doing, it may be better to install one-by-one by reading requirements.txt. Or, you may want to sequester the Python system for this package from the Python system for the whole machine, which is possible by so-called virtualenv mechanism (e.g., pyenv-virtualenv). For details, consult Google.

submodule tools are linked to this repository via git-submodule mechanism, which is invoked by

git submodule init
git submodule update

and then the packages are automatically installed in vendor directory, after which one should compile those packages one by one.

vendor/Makefile is provided to do the above all at once, but it is mainly for convenience of Sho and not prepared for others to invoke it by make; in particular, the Makefile assumes that one uses pyenv. Rather, the Makefile (and the submodule links) is prepared for others to understand which version of tools are used in this analysis and how they are compiled (possibly with patches).