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RandEXom Documentation

diputra edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 13 revisions

RandEXom categorized into three different modules




RandomLib is the core or first layer of the system in RandEXom. This library contains algorithms for randomizing numbers.

RandomLib Class :

Class Name Module name
NetRandom random system using default .Net randomization (substractivegenerator)



Declaration :

NetRandom(long seed)
NetRandom(ISeedR seed)
parameter Description
seed (long) seed using numbers that will be used by class in RandomLib
seed (ISeedR) seed using class from SeedLib that will be used by class in RandomLib

Description :

randomizing system using default .Net randomization (Subtractive generator)



Declaration :

NextInt(int min, int max)
parameter Description
min minimum number (inclusive)
max maximum number (exclusive)

Description :

Randomize integer numbers using minimum and maximum values.


using RandEXom.RandomLib;

   NetRandom rand = new NetRandom();
   int x = rand.NextInt(0,100);
   // the output will be the value between 0 and 100



Seedlib is used for you to personalize your own seed. Either it will have the same seed every time, or it will have a different seed each time you hit random.

Class Name Module name
SeedR Default seed. The seed will not change anytime you random next
IterativeSeedR The seed will iterate over time and generate a new seed when you random next. The method of default iterative seed is using basic math operation
IterativeSeedRCustom You define how the seed generates over time when you hit random next yourself.



The framework is the second layer in RandEXom, and its job is to provide many ways to do randomization.

Class Name Module name
PongR Randomisation where the new output will oppose the previous output and go to a different pole (min, max)
DistanceR Randomisation where you can define the distance between the previous output and the next output
GachaR Simulate how the gacha game works. GachaR have the ability to fill the pool, and decrease the pool every time you pull the gacha
GachaRBatched Similar to GachaR, but rather fill the pool with every item, the item with the same value will be batched into one. It has lower memory but higher performance than vanilla gacha
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