YACME is an implementation of the ACME protocol.
YACME supports custom certificates, CAs, and ACME servers. It supports HTTP-01 and DNS-01 authorization challenges. It does not currently support TLS-ALPN-01 challenges, but may at a future time.
YACME also does not support certificate revocation or account certificate updates.
YACME supports ec256 keys only at this point, but new key implementations would be welcome
additions to yacme::key
Using the high level service interface, you can connect to letsencrypt (or really, and ACME provider) and issue a certificate:
(check out letsencrypt-pebble.rs
for more details on this example)
use std::sync::Arc;
use yacme::key::{EcdsaAlgorithm, SignatureKind};
use yacme::service::Authorization;
use yacme::schema::challenges::ChallengeKind;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let provider = yacme::service::Provider::build().
// Create a random key to identify this account. Currently only ECDSA keys using
// the P256 curve are supported.
let account_key = Arc::new(SignatureKind::Ecdsa(EcdsaAlgorithm::P256).random());
// You should probably save this key somewhere:
use pkcs8::{EncodePrivateKey, LineEnding};
let data = account_key.to_pkcs8_pem(LineEnding::default()).unwrap();
// Fetch an existing account
let account = provider.account(account_key).must_exist().get().await?;
// Create a new order
let mut order = account
// Get the authorizations
let mut authz: Vec<Authorization> = order.authorizations().await?;
let auth = &mut authz[0];
let mut chall = auth
.ok_or("No http01 challenge provided")?;
let inner = chall.http01().unwrap();
// Complete the challenges, then call
// Wait for the service to acknowleged the challenge
// Set a certifiacte key
let cert_key = Arc::new(SignatureKind::Ecdsa(EcdsaAlgorithm::P256).random());
// Finalize and fetch the order
let cert = order.finalize_and_download(&cert_key).await?;
YACME is split into several levels of api:
is the high level API, and provides a simple interface for issuing certificates.schema
provides all of the data structures to implement individual ACME endpoints.protocol
provides the JWT protocol used by ACME servers.key
provides support for ECDSA keys.
This is a yak-shave project to get an ACME client in rust that I like, and to learn more about ACME, and internet protocol cryptography in general.
The design goals of this project are:
- No OpenSSL dependency. The cryptography here should be pure rust.
- Modular and re-usable. This isn't an opinionated command line tool to help you get started. Instead, this crate hopes to be easy to integrate into existing projects, like those built on hyper.
- Easy to extend: adding new signature algorithms, challenge types, and other extensions (assuming they are supported by pure rust crates) should be relatively easy.
- Runtime flexible. Signature algorithms can be swapped out without changing types in the code calling in to the ACME service.
This probably isn't good for production use, but it is based on the work of RustCrypto who make good stuff. Don't blame them, blame me!